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How to use regular expressions in Criteria Builder

on the String class when using regular expressions. I have a small example ... expressions in queries, so currently you cannot use regular expressions in JPA criteria API ... _objectdb_extension">supports regular expressions in queries as an extension

JPA Query Expressions (JPQL / Criteria)

Query expressions are the foundations on which JPQL and criteria queries are built.expressions. Atomic Expressions The atomic query expressions are:

Criteria Query Expressions

The following interfaces are in use in representing general expressions in criteria queries: See the expression">Query Expressions section for more details and examples.

Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

are assigned as arguments. as path expressions ... is always the string to check for a match (usually a path expression) and the right operand is always the pattern ... >is evaluated to FALSE. In the expressions above only the first percent

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

expression is not a regular JOIN and it does not define a JOIN variable. Its only purpose is specifying ... /where">WHERE clause level by using a expressions">type expression. For example, in the following query, c iterates

Numbers in JPQL and Criteria Queries

#navigation_through_path_expressions">path expressions - in navigation to persistent numeric fields. as aggregate expressions - e.g ... composite arithmetic expressions that use operators and functions to combine simple numeric values into


="description"> Used to construct criteria queries, compound selections, expressions, predicates, orderings. Note that Predicate is used instead of Expression Expression" title


.criteriaInterface Expression<T> Type for query expressions. Expression in expression">Chapter 4

JPA Criteria API Queries

clause as the query result expression. select(c).Expression_">where(cb.Expression__Expression_">gt(c.

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

a persistent class) A filter, which is a boolean expression in a Java like syntax ... and import and order expressions, which are discussed later in this chapter. A First Query ... for which the evaluation of the filter expression is true are included in the result