ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Replication not working anymore

, so unfortunately we don't know yet how exactly to reproduce this issue. Could you please provide step by step instructions for reproducing this new issue? support Support I got this stack trace when enabling

Unexpected exeption

. Could you please check the database file with the ObjectDB Doctor for errors? Can you reproduce ... . But the issue does also occur with the repaired db. The issue is not always reproducible. Sometimes the use

Wrong select results

above it seems that we will not be able to use it to reproduce the issue. Please try to find a simple scenario for reproducing the problem. support Support

Wrong data stored in time only fields

We can reproduce the problem reliably with the above data. Also, note the difference in the value ... . It has the same problem. prolancer Emil Andonov If you can reproduce the issue it would help

Exception after update of indices of Entity class

OK. We cannot reproduce it, but please report again if it reoccurs. support Support Hello, I got ... to reproduce it (even on your computer)? support Support Build 2.7.1_03 includes an attempt to fix

schema update procedure

the database is opened. Thank you for reporting this issue. Unfortunately with no test case that reproduce ... on this issue it may help. support Support I will work on creating a reproducible case. FastModel Ben Schreiber

objectdb-2.6.9_02 (with "objectdb.temp.no-enhancement-crc-check") vs. generic classes with interfaces: detailed investigation

The following test is an attempt to reproduce the reported exception: import javax.persistence.*; public ... ); The run again without error on persistence. webel Dr Darren Kelly In my main web app I reproduced

Entity field renaming does not work

Support Unfortunately we cannot reproduce the issue, as we checked and this feature seems to work ... . Could you please confirm that this is the case? As we cannot reproduce the issue, to explore

Internal objectdb exception when using different language on a machine

information in the ObjectDB log files? Could you submit a test that can reproduce and demonstrate ... and check for possible solutions? Is it possible to reproduce the exception by a query in the Explorer? support Support

log entry and massive performance issues

Do you know how to reproduce the slow removal problem using this database? You wrote: > the ObjectNode ... it cannot be reproduced as it just happens spuriously several times a day. the class is: ObjectNode an example

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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