ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

pre-detach loading strategy, but could not reproduce the problem. The following works ... -time enhancement (not compile-time) are correct and reproducible. I am using the JAD decompiler

Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?

my test case, i can't reproduce the issue, it only happen in my server. Can you confirm ... to reproduce the issue. Support, can you confirm that : 1- Broken index could happen ? 2

Problems down-casting in WHERE clause

using ObjectDB 2.5.0_06) FastModel Ben Schreiber The following program tries to reproduce the reported ... {         String val4;     } } It seems to be a bug, but we will need your help in reproducing

Error using query with MAX() function

I have a class that is persisting a Entity that holds remarks and a time. Then when I query for the latest remark I get a internal error when the remark is larger than 1966 chars. Here is a test class and entity that reproduces the problem on my system. @Entity @Table(name = "TestEntity", schema

IDs of Entities suddenly became UUIDs?

change that included @Id fields. This situation of mixed ID types can be easily reproduced by persisting

Deletion of an entry via the table window always deletes the last entry not the selected one

you for your report but unfortunately we cannot reproduce it (e.g. deleting the first row in a table ... Support We currenty cannot reproduce this as well. At the time it happend at two different machines

Unexpected Exception during commit

, though. If you can give me a hint as to what would internally cause this, I'll try to reproduce it. Carl [ObjectDB 2.2 ... found a very simple reproducible case that produces the exception every time:     javax.persistence

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NullPointerException

, even an empty database with that schema may be useful for reproducing the issue. support Support ... in about 60 entities to load at least one Nosis object to reproduce the problem

[ObjectDB 2.4.1] Unexpected exception (Error 990) on getObjectById

tries to reproduce it but with no success: import javax.jdo.*; import javax.jdo.annotations ... ();         }     }         @PersistenceCapable     public static class A {     } } A way to reproduce

DISTINCT key causing internal exception on 2.6.4.b10

database for reproduce this issue from your side. Have a nice playing 8-) Harman Alexander Golyshkin

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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