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Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

. Result Range (setFirstResult, setMaxResults ) The setFirstResult and  setMaxResults methods enable ... . The setMaxResults method is used to specify the result window size. Any result after hitting that specified ... : List results = query. setFirstResult (pageIx * pageSize) . setMaxResults (pageSize) . getResultList

Query.setMaxResults(maxResult) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.Query Query setMaxResults (   int maxResult ) Set the maximum number of results to retrieve. Parameters: maxResult - maximum number of results to retrieve Return: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is negative Since: JPA 1.0

TypedQuery.setMaxResults(maxResult) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.TypedQuery TypedQuery setMaxResults (   int maxResult ) Set the maximum number of results to retrieve. Parameters: maxResult - maximum number of results to retrieve Return: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is negative Since: JPA 2.0

JPA and handling large data sets

by step during the export with the  query/setFirstResult() & setMaxResults (). But for large ... result range ( setFirstResult , setMaxResults ) for this purpose is indeed inefficient, because some ... is only with setFirstResult and using setMaxResults may be fine. If not check if you can retrieve ranges


Integer.MAX_VALUE if setMaxResults was not applied to the query object. Return: maximum number ... Persistence query language SELECT query or a CriteriaQuery query Since: JPA 2.0 Query setMaxResults (int


if setMaxResults was not applied to the query object. Return: maximum number of results Inherited from: Query ... language SELECT query or a CriteriaQuery query Since: JPA 2.0 TypedQuery setMaxResults (int 


the query object was set to retrieve. Returns Integer.MAX_VALUE if setMaxResults was not applied ... Since: JPA 2.0 Query setMaxResults (int maxResult) Set the maximum number of results

Listing large number of complicated objects with paging.

.setFirstResult(start). setMaxResults (count).getResultList(); is quite slow. Well, after first request and "warming ... ( setMaxResults ). Does that number affect? You may try running the query with a lazy fetch hint (as done by

Caching/Paging Questions...

via setFirstResult and setMaxResult speed up the query execution since there are fewer result objects to bring into ... of the L2 cache. Using setFirstResult and setMaxResults could improve performance, but the effect

JPA - ExceptionInInitializerError when creating EntityManager

.findByName", EmailSettings.class). setMaxResults (1); EmailSettings smtp, port, from; smtp = emailSettings ... ;               . setMaxResults

Query.getMaxResults() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.Query int getMaxResults () The maximum number of results the query object was set to retrieve. Returns Integer.MAX_VALUE if setMaxResults was not applied to the query object. Return: maximum number of results Since: JPA 2.0

Selecting random rows

Hello is there way to get random rows? Functions like rand(), random(), newid() doesn't work ;/ for example: em.createQuery("SELECT s FROM StawkaVat s ORDER BY rand()"). setMaxResults (5).getResultList(); gives exception: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [ObjectDB 2.5.6_02] SELECT s FROM StawkaVat s == rand

New to Product & Having An Issue

. TypedQuery q = em.createNamedQuery("Department.findAll", Department.class); q. setMaxResults (1000); List

About LIMIT and OFFSET as query tokens

range using setFirstResult and setMaxResults . support Support Thanks you!!! mgarciat Miguel

slow performance for a complex query

over result set with setFirstResult and setMaxResults . I could do this with subqueries, however as I

Sorting problem

() and setMaxResult ();     lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski Your query works well with a small change: String q

100% CPU when using multiple BETWEEN

with Query. setMaxResults (...).   Any suggestions? Thank you Emil   prolancer Emil Andonov In

Retrieve latest entry in a time-series

the query with a request to return the first result only:     return em.createQuery("..."). setMaxResults (1).getSingleResult(); support Support

Query perfromance problem

.setFirstResult(start). setMaxResults (count).getResultList();    logger.debug("Query executed

LIMIT or TOP functions

Is there LIMIT or TOP functions in object db? If so can you provide some examples? vinodh vinodhkumar You can set query result range by using the setFirstResult and setMaxResults methods. You can find more details and an example in the manual . support Support Thanks. This solved my purpose. vinodh vinodhkumar

NPE at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList

(fromMomentPayload.get("dateTime"))); Query q = em.createQuery(query); if (!all) { q. setMaxResults (maxResults); q ... ;     q. setMaxResults (maxResults);        

[ObjectDB 2.2.5_02] Unexpected exception (Error 990) com.objectdb.o.InternalException: java.lang.NullPointerException: null

= em.createQuery(cq); if (!all) { q. setMaxResults (maxResults); q.setFirstResult(firstResult

Null pointer exception being thrown from within ObjectDB.

. setMaxResults (maxRecords).getResultList(); ...   Screenshots attached for database explorer. 

Issue with cascade delete & add/remove

;         . setMaxResults (1).getSingleResult();