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collection of embedded objects

of embedded objects they are mainly used to save space and improve performance. In many cases queries

drop a column from table

>Space in the database file will be reclaimed lazily, for every entity object on its next committed

Problems with Tutorials » JPA Web App (Tomcat) » NetBeans JPA Web App

> Alan alacalcas Alan Alan, Wow so i just spaced out on my  

Logging problem on attempt to start a Server that is already running

It seems that there is a bug in logging mechanism, if you try to start the database which is already started it starts filing the log continuously until it runs out of space on disk. How to check is the database runing from command promt. regards.

Searching lists within objects

above). Always look for existing attribute before persisting a new one (this could also save space in

config optimizing

-space="5mb" />             </dir>

Iterating over large result set

Hi, Few days ago I was writing some code to iterate over quite a large dataset. Fitting those data in memory was quite a challenge even with 3GB heap space. So I did paging using two loops. for (int page=0; page < resultCount; page+=pageSize

100% CPU when using multiple BETWEEN

with 2800 records) throws a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" exception. Emil

possible index required for improving query performance

will reclaim the space that the index takes, but it is only required after adding new indexes.

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

but there are none. The disk space remaining was 5GB so there is also no issue. I checked my logs and found the error: