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General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

do you have? What is the total space that they consume (check in the Explorer)? support ... Client and Person instances the database contains? How much spaces

Online Backup in client-server mode

and consumes twice storage space. Can it be improved? In my opinion the server proces ... -size: 17.1px; white-space: pre-wrap;"> relative to the ObjectDB home directory thamal

Server connection management

The server does not appear to release broken connections. My typical development pattern is to keep reloading my war file in tomcat until the permgen space runs out, and then I kill ... (out of permgen space) and forced quit? FastModel Ben Schreiber I believe

Should I Avoid Compressing Database Files?

compressing NOR trying to reclaim unused space in ObjectDB database files when I back them up or ... on the content in the database files, but usually you can save a lot of space by compression. It should be very easy to check... support Support

Connection is closed (error 526)

.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at com.objectdb.o.TYW.<init>( at com.objectdb.o.ENH.c(ENH ... heap space at com.objectdb.o.HTB.f( at com.objectdb.o.HTB.q( at com

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at com.objectdb.o.OBH.e( ~[na:na] at com.objectdb.o ... for us.   btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems Space in the temporary file

probable error in text of manual about embeddable classes

of embeddable classes are always embedded in other entity objects and do not require separate space ... space in the database and improve efficiency. Embeddable classes

ODB Doctor Stops Progressing (runs forever)

Hi, I have an issue with the ODB Doctor running endlessly on a 1.35GB ODB file.  It gets to three progress dots quickly then stops progressing, all while consuming 100% CPU until killed manually.  There is plenty of /tmp space and space on the drive where the new

database corrupt

directories="5" files="20" disk-space="5mb" />            ... used, may slow your application and consumes a lot of disk space, so it is unclear

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

="5" files="20" disk-space="5mb" /> </dir> </user> < ... - CPU Usage (24 cores) at 80% average - SSD, around 100 GByte free space