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Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

.2.9_03] javax.persistence.RollbackExcepti on Failed to commit transaction: Java heap space (error ... .OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space         at com.objectdb.o.BYW.r ... space at com.objectdb.o.OBH.c( at com.objectdb.o.EBW.t( at com.objectdb.o

Failed to synchronize replicated database

if there is no sufficient space on the disk for another copy of the database. Anyway, we will try ... should be recorded. How we can properly manage disk space used by recording? I suppose ... to the basepoint and deleted later to save disk space?   thamal Tomas Hamal The recording

Doctor - high memory usage

for recovering 67MB database, I need to set heap space to at least 450MB. Even then whole process takes ages ... Support Not working - still need about 450MB of heap space to only scan database file. space at com.objectdb.o.VLV.p( at com.objectdb.o

Failed to resize file - file system limitation error

and compression, e.g.: space/app-development/questions/7625"> I have not been able to run DB Doctor because of the space required for a temp

in-memory and on-disk support?

defragmentation before allocating this space. Getting a continuous unfragmented disk space is the main advantage. Eliminating the need for space allocation later is a small additional 


uselessly taking up space in the tables. kjkrum Kevin ObjectDB is not an RDBMS so there are no tables and columns, but you are right - transient fields consume space in the database

out of memory error

Hans-Georg Zwicker If ObjectDB doesn't have sufficient heap space then it may throw ... it still indicates a shortage in heap space). Increasing the JVM heap size could solve the problem, or ... OutOfMemoryError if thrown. Future versions of ObjectDB may be able to overcome heap space

Best practise loading big data

if loading big data consumes memory space that is not released by ObjectDB in one database. In that case ... space for unlimited time. The OS cache, however (outside ObjectDB) will cache file pages ... it may be essential to micro optimise space. For example in your last test case large amount of memory

GC overhead limit exceeded

.InternalException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space ... space at the time so feel free to just close this issue if the stack traces are of no use to you - I

[ObjectDB 2.5.6_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap spacespace.