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doctor error message after database getting page errors

(and during that times the system is nearly unusable): ... [2023-09-01 05:43:19 #4 store] RetrievalTask.reportPrimaryResult0: page#18247113, reader.getPos() = 21 [2023-09-01 13:03:07 #5 store] RetrievalTask.reportPrimaryResult0: page#18647442, reader.getPos() = 1344 [2023-09-01 13:03:32 #6 store


;          // getters/setters } When I persist the class the transient 'boolean test' is stored in the database, maybe I am doing it wrong but I expect the 'boolean test' is not stored in the database ... checked with a simple test program and the @Transient field was not stored in the database

Query fails with failed to read

logging info for this issue (logger "store.file", level fatal, so probably no need for any ... (there is no exception for this on our application level): [2018-08-17 19:14:41 #4 store.file] LocalFile.read error: 0, 52076077056, 2048 [2018-08-17 19:14:41 #5 store.file] java.io.IOException: Der Prozess kann

Blocked by find

case I missed anything in the previous post. The objects being stored in this db are quite varied in ... .State: RUNNABLE at com.objectdb.store.file.PageCache.C(PageCache.java:454) - locked <0x0000000780d54768> (a java.lang.Object) at com.objectdb.store.file.PageCache.B(PageCache.java:417) - locked


Annotation Element javax.persistence.ManyToOne Class targetEntity (Optional) The entity class that is the target of the association. Defaults to the type of the field or property that stores the association. Default value: void.class Since: JPA 1.0


Method javax.jdo.spi.StateManager byte replacingFlags( PersistenceCapable pc ) The owning StateManager uses this method to supply the value of the flags to the PersistenceCapable instance. Parameters: pc - the calling PersistenceCapable instance Returns: the value of jdoFlags to be stored in the PersistenceCapable instance Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager void flush() Flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the data store. It has no effect if a transaction is not active. If a datastore transaction is active, this method synchronizes the cache with the datastore and reports any exceptions. If an optimistic


is done at the data store. Parameters: fromInclToExcl - comma-separated fromIncl and toExcl values Since: JDO 2.0 See Also: setRange(long, long)

setRange(fromIncl, toExcl)

is done at the data store. Parameters: fromIncl - 0-based inclusive start index toExcl - 0-based


in data store transactions; and persistent instances modified in optimistic transactions. Transient

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