Internal Website Search

51-74 of 74 results

Index causes increased memory usage

the temporary file threshold , but that may slow performance. To understand the problem better

@Entity saved in Tomcat session - problem

is, that we need the same logic for temporary users (without storing in DB) and permanent users (stored in

Failed to commit transaction: Java heap space (error 613)

you would have to change the ObjectDB configuration. Relevant parameters include: Temporary file threshold


temporary files. Please verify that the ObjectDB process has permissions to create directories and files

Memory leak with OutOfMemoryError exception

you will have to decrease the following default ObjectDB settings: Temporary data RAM threshold . Page

Cross-platform license: Ubuntu and Windows 8

I have a machine on which I dual-boot both Ubuntu and Windows 8.  I purchased an activation code which works fine on Ubuntu but is ignored on Windows 8.  I have checked that the application is reading the right objectdb.conf by putting a temporary error in the file.  I'm assuming

Multi part paths in a composite index must have the same length

are multi value fields, unlike your simple example. Build 2.6.0_02 contains a temporary option for disabling

ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.objectdb.spi.TrackableUserType

The database is NOT closed in the finally block - I still see the temporary database and if I attempt to store

server.exe on 32bit and 64bit Windows

install Java 7 is correctly installed with JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME set.  The temporary workaround

Enforce Second Level cache

In my application I have an entity with few transient Collection fields, these are constantly updateing very fast and access to those fields is needs to be fast too, thus I dont persist them (also this information is temporary and doesent need to be kept). I suppose that entity modified

Optimization of Map Queries

could do for shortening the query string? I guess there's no such thing as a " temporary " variable

Heap Limit reached although the option '' is activated

, which may work and move modified database pages (after flush) to a temporary file, but is not

several times a day queries take several minutes

that is still open? Suspected configuration: Consider increasing the threshold to avoid using temporary files

Blocked by find

with the new temporary   "" system property set to "true" - a page circle

ObjectDB 2.4.2

(removed temporary object clearing). Fixed the Explorer to show null values in primitive fields

Exception makes the system unusable for several minutes

-Georg Zwicker This is strange, and indeed, if the access issue is temporary

ObjectDB 2.7.1

Fixed a critical bug that may cause database corruption ( issue #1977 ). Improved error messages on entity operation exceptions. Fixed a NullPointerException  on cascading persist throw an unloaded collection ( issue #2049 ). Fixed the location of a temporary file for index update ( issue

performance issues, database after adding statistics, after doctor

search values. As a temporary workaround you can use a query hint to request using

ObjectDB 2.6.2

Added support of entity classes with missing implemented interfaces in the Explorer. Added method com.objectdb.Utilities.newTrackable(em, cls) for improved performance. Added a temporary workaround for NullPointerException  on query after flush ( issue #1623 ). Improved title of query result

ObjectDB 2.6.3

Added an option to disable some query execution optimizations. Added an option to exclude persistence aware enhancement ( feature request #1683 ). Added an option to use temporary files for very large transactions ( feature request #1658 ). Fixed an online backup bug (no access during backup

ObjectDB 2.5.0

. Added a new temporary system property ("objectdb.temp.quick-file") to accelerate db opening

InternalException during EntityManager.find()

safe issue in working with temporary page files (setting "", which apparently

ObjectDB 2.4.0

on unexpected network failure. Improved temporary file management including avoiding permission

JPA 2.2 LocalDate still not working

a Date is returned, right? Yes. This is a temporary limitation, which will probably be fixed in future versions. support Support