Internal Website Search
51-74 of 74 resultsIndex causes increased memory usage the temporary file threshold , but that may slow performance. To understand the problem better | |
@Entity saved in Tomcat session - problem is, that we need the same logic for temporary users (without storing in DB) and permanent users (stored in | |
Failed to commit transaction: Java heap space (error 613) you would have to change the ObjectDB configuration. Relevant parameters include: Temporary file threshold | |
FileNotFoundException temporary files. Please verify that the ObjectDB process has permissions to create directories and files | |
Memory leak with OutOfMemoryError exception you will have to decrease the following default ObjectDB settings: Temporary data RAM threshold . Page | |
Cross-platform license: Ubuntu and Windows 8 I have a machine on which I dual-boot both Ubuntu and Windows 8. I purchased an activation code which works fine on Ubuntu but is ignored on Windows 8. I have checked that the application is reading the right objectdb.conf by putting a temporary error in the file. I'm assuming | |
Multi part paths in a composite index must have the same length are multi value fields, unlike your simple example. Build 2.6.0_02 contains a temporary option for disabling | |
ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.objectdb.spi.TrackableUserType The database is NOT closed in the finally block - I still see the temporary database and if I attempt to store | |
server.exe on 32bit and 64bit Windows install Java 7 is correctly installed with JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME set. The temporary workaround | |
Enforce Second Level cache In my application I have an entity with few transient Collection fields, these are constantly updateing very fast and access to those fields is needs to be fast too, thus I dont persist them (also this information is temporary and doesent need to be kept). I suppose that entity modified | |
Optimization of Map Queries could do for shortening the query string? I guess there's no such thing as a " temporary " variable | |
Heap Limit reached although the option '' is activated , which may work and move modified database pages (after flush) to a temporary file, but is not | |
several times a day queries take several minutes that is still open? Suspected configuration: Consider increasing the threshold to avoid using temporary files | |
Blocked by find with the new temporary "" system property set to "true" - a page circle | |
ObjectDB 2.4.2 (removed temporary object clearing). Fixed the Explorer to show null values in primitive fields | |
Exception makes the system unusable for several minutes-Georg Zwicker This is strange, and indeed, if the access issue is temporary | |
ObjectDB 2.7.1 Fixed a critical bug that may cause database corruption ( issue #1977 ). Improved error messages on entity operation exceptions. Fixed a NullPointerException on cascading persist throw an unloaded collection ( issue #2049 ). Fixed the location of a temporary file for index update ( issue | |
performance issues, database after adding statistics, after doctor search values. As a temporary workaround you can use a query hint to request using | |
ObjectDB 2.6.2 Added support of entity classes with missing implemented interfaces in the Explorer. Added method com.objectdb.Utilities.newTrackable(em, cls) for improved performance. Added a temporary workaround for NullPointerException on query after flush ( issue #1623 ). Improved title of query result | |
ObjectDB 2.6.3 Added an option to disable some query execution optimizations. Added an option to exclude persistence aware enhancement ( feature request #1683 ). Added an option to use temporary files for very large transactions ( feature request #1658 ). Fixed an online backup bug (no access during backup | |
ObjectDB 2.5.0. Added a new temporary system property ("objectdb.temp.quick-file") to accelerate db opening | |
InternalException during EntityManager.find() safe issue in working with temporary page files (setting "", which apparently | |
ObjectDB 2.4.0 on unexpected network failure. Improved temporary file management including avoiding permission | |
JPA 2.2 LocalDate still not working a Date is returned, right? Yes. This is a temporary limitation, which will probably be fixed in future versions. support Support |