ObjectDB ObjectDB

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and issue tracking to get impression. ObjectDB is stable and robust, but naturally like any other software, issues are reported occasionally. But as you can see in the forum and in the issue tracking - bugs

Occasionally slow requests in load testing

" /> <dirty-tracking arrays="false" /> </entities> <server> <connection port="6136" max="1000 ... to track the size of the database and the recovery file during the test load. I will be surprised

Email notification about new build

Just a quick thought. It would be nice to get email notification about new builds. If a new build resolves a problem that I'm not subscribed for, I don't know about it until i check ODB page :) lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski This is a good idea. It is now set as a website feature request in the issue tracking system. support Support

Pessimistic Lock Timeouts setting

where multiple threads can hit a shared counter (which is used to track separate customers product index

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

an issue (a bug report in the Issue Tracking system)? CBE CBE Build 2.6.8_07 should fix this issue. Thank

Trouble viewing db in Explorer.

, in order to track searching for classes). If possible, please publish a database file that demonstrates the problem. support Support

Intermittent: "Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value" when persisting a new instance

of a reusable test that the issue is hard to track. It must be a really small bug as it hardly

Cascading makeTransient

action, difficulties in tracking changes if the entity is made persistent

Can't open replicated database

an update if I can track it down but if ther's any insight you can provide in the meantime it'd

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

This thread is now included also in the Issue Tracking. support Support

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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