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JPA / JDO Class Enhancer

on the Tutorial pages: tutorial/jpa/start/maven">Quick Start with JPA tutorial/jpa/web/maven">JPA Web Application tutorial/jpa/ee/maven">Java EE JPA tutorial/jpa/spring/maven">Spring MVC

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

clicking the tutorial package node(in the [Projects] window) and selecting New ... should be tutorial. Click Finish to create the new class. tutorial/points/netbeans/entity.png" width="505

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

>Next. tutorial/guestbook/eclipse ... ="449" src="/files/images/tutorial/guestbook/eclipse/spring/project.png" width="616" style ... ="" height="141" src="/files/images/tutorial/guestbook/eclipse/spring/pom.png" width="242" style

Step 1: Create a Java Project

> Choose a Project Name (e.g. Tutorial). The name of the Main class should be tutorial.Main. Verify that exactly this case ... the Finish button to create the project. tutorial

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

> Enter Maven Group Id (e.g. com.objectdb.tutorial.spring). tutorial/guestbook/netbeans/maven/project.png" width="653" style ... > tutorial/guestbook/netbeans/maven/pom.png" width

Step 7: Run the Spring Web App

> tutorial/guestbook/eclipse/spring/final.png" width ... to the tutorial/jpa/netbeans/spring/controller">controller path: tutorial/guestbook/eclipse/browser.png" width="488

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

/images/tutorial/guestbook/eclipse/spring/src.png" width="472" style="display:block; margin-left:auto ... . tutorial/guestbook/eclipse/spring/entity.png ... /tutorial/guestbook/eclipse/spring/meta-inf.png" width="484" style="display:block; margin-left:auto

Step 3: Add a Main Class

objects from the database: Right click the tutorial package in ... > The package name should be tutorial. Enter ... created class file: package tutorial; import javax.persistence

Step 4: Add a Controller Class

> tutorial/guestbook/netbeans/spring/controller.png" width="595 ... >@Controller annotation. A tutorial/jpa/netbeans/spring/dao">GuestDao If a new guest has registered (using a JSP form that will be added in the next tutorial

Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project

The tutorial/jpa/start">Getting Started with JPA tutorial provides step by step instructions on how to build a simple JPA database driven application in tutorial/jpa/eclipse">Eclipse or tutorial/jpa/netbeans">NetBeans. Building a new