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Recursive calls with @PreUpdate annotation and Glassfish OutOfMemoryError

per: @PreUpdate public void update(){ System.out.println(" ********* Called update() **********"); lastUpdatedDate = new Date(); } I've ... update() ********** ********* Called update() ********** ********* Called update


"> Execute an update or delete statement. Returns: the number of entities updated or deleted


an instance of Query for executing a native SQL statement, e.g., for update or ... an instance of Query for executing a native SQL statement, e.g., for update


is responsible for ensuring that all updates to the state of all entities in the persistence context ... other means. If FlushModeType.COMMIT is set, the effect of updates

Removing of an entity removes also another entity type

EmbeddedSystems OK. Thanks for the update. Please note that mixing direct DELETE / UPDATE database queries with EntityManager's operations is known as problematic. It is not specific to ObjectDB but general to JPA. DELETE / UPDATE JPA queries bypass


> Update action to apply to any foreign key for the element Returns: update


that no updates can be performed to the datastore, and if updates are attempted a JDOReadOnlyException is thrown


updateAction The update action of this foreign key. Returns: the update action


> Update action to apply to the foreign key for the key. Returns: update action


> Update action to apply to any foreign key for the value. Returns: update action