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ObjectDB License

all version 2.x updates. A server license covers one installation of ObjectDB on a single computer ... License costs £2,500 and includes all version 2.x updates. A site

Obtaining a JPA Database Connection

> Operations that modify database content, such as store, update, and delete ... /remove_Object">remove. Database updates are collected and managed in memory

Database Schema Evolution

. The database object is only updated to the new schema when that entity object is stored to the database ... /setting/schema">Schema Update section in chapter 6 explains how to specify such changes in the configuration file.

Entity Management Settings

/persistence/update">Updating Entities section in chapter 3 for more details.

ObjectDB Object Database Features

/update#automatic_change_tracking">Transparent update - changes are detected automatically.

Chapter 1 - Quick Tour

and close ObjectDB databases and perform basic CRUD operations (Create/Store, Retrieve, Update ... demonstrates CRUD database operations by storing, retrieving, updating and deleting Point objects

JPA Exceptions

subclasses of PersistenceException. For example, an attempt to update the database ... " select="TransactionRequiredException"> Database update failures

JPA Lifecycle Events

="/api/java/jpa/PostUpdate">@PostUpdate - after updating an entity in the database

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

does not exist in that path, a new database file is created automatically. To enable updating ... "> Lines 46-47 Updates are physically applied

ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

how to store, retrieve, update and delete database objects.