ObjectDB ObjectDB

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LazyInitialization / join fetch

I have a survey that carries the tabla Items . A company has several items , a user charge and technical user also . A specialty has several technical users . Area A has a charge . What happens ... that carries the tabla Items . Being a company that has multiple items , a user charge

multi EntityManager with Spring Boot, but 'Too many persistable types (>10)

String url; @Value("${javax.persistence.jdbc.user}") private String user; @Value("${javax ... .persistence.jdbc.user",user); props.put("javax.persistence.jdbc.password",password ... .persistence.jdbc2.user}") private String user; @Value("${javax.persistence.jdbc2.password}") private

Remove an entity which attributes were changed - OptimisticLockException

.e. this could also be demonstrated by a non OSGi application: User 1 retrieves an object and changes it. User 2 retrieves an object, removes it and commit. This should work if the changes of user 1 are local in memory and will fail with OptimisticLockException if user 1 is committing or flushing

Change path for urls2.xml file

the program still creates objectdb/urls2.xml in my system user folder. Is there a setting to change ... and log files. jb11 James Evarts This file is created in a directory .objectdb under the user home directory (regardless of the ObjectDB home path). You can change the user home directory by changing a Java

use of Singleton into tomcat

of a user, a search for a lastname, so way. but i ask if all method it to be syncorniuzed into signature?????? for example: public syncronized User searchForName(String name){ User user=null //query for get the user correspondant. return user; } public void syncronized updateUser(User userToUpdater

Field level privileges

addons and privileges on access some of the fields on java side. Can we give privileges to users , for example some users can only read some fields and some just can write java fields. Some users ... ). But this could be handled by your application that will have to manage its own users anyway. It is easy to manage

Indexes broken after schema update

.userservice.entities.User[profile] [2012-08-19 19:42:25 #77 store] BTree Page: 7 [2012-08-19 19 ... ../../db/user.odb ObjectDB Doctor [version 2.4.2_02] Copyright (c) 2012, ObjectDB Software ... the troubleshooting I have attached the database example as it is very small with only 1 User in

ObjectDB 2 JDO Manual

on using ObjectDB 2 with JDO can help JDO users. But since writing a new manual ... , this will be done only if there is a sufficient demand. support Support As a user of the JDO side of ObjectDB a JDO ... users. Most of those users are probably now looking for a new product

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property Element.id using reflection

property access mode (most ObjectDB users use field access mode and are not affected). A critical ... (after 2.6.3_04). In addition, as noted above, most ObjectDB users do not use property access ... (6100491157516175398:7605639074554134295) Severe: [2016-08-17 09:27:21 #62 type.user] Enhancement of type com

stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

I am running a stress test with 2 users, each making a request to the JSON API (which uses as ... .objectdb.com/database/issue/new com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Negative snapshot user count at com.objectdb.o.SNP.D(SNP.java:344

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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