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1-48 of 48 resultsPersist error @ManyToMany how to define correct entities relationships; @ ManyToMany (cascade=CascadeType.PERSIST) private List categories = new ArrayList(); } @Entity public class ... .persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence. ManyToMany ; import ... implements Serializable { @Id //@GeneratedValue private long id; @ ManyToMany (cascade=CascadeType.PERSIST | |
javax.persistence.ManyToMany JPA Annotation ManyToMany Target: METHOD, FIELD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Specifies ... side. If the relationship is bidirectional, the non-owning side must use the mappedBy element of the ManyToMany ... for the relationship, if not defaulted, is specified on the owning side. The ManyToMany annotation may be used | |
ManyToMany Set is null @GeneratedValue private long id; @ ManyToMany (fetch = FetchType. EAGER , cascade ... { @Id @GeneratedValue private long id; @ ManyToMany (fetch | |
javax.persistence.ManyToMany.mappedBy JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. ManyToMany String mappedBy default "" The field that owns the relationship. Required unless the relationship is unidirectional. Since: JPA 1.0 | |
javax.persistence.ManyToMany.fetch JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. ManyToMany FetchType fetch default LAZY (Optional) Whether the association should be lazily loaded or must be eagerly fetched. The EAGER strategy is a requirement on the persistence provider runtime that the associated entities must be eagerly fetched | |
javax.persistence.ManyToMany.cascade JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. ManyToMany CascadeType [] cascade default {} (Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association. When the target collection is a java.util.Map , the cascade element applies to the map value. Defaults to no operations being cascaded. Since: JPA 1.0 | |
javax.persistence.ManyToMany.targetEntity JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence. ManyToMany Class targetEntity default void.class (Optional) The entity class that is the target of the association. Optional only if the collection-valued relationship property is defined using Java generics. Must be specified otherwise. Defaults | |
Removing objects where ManyToMany relationships exist Consider you have an entity Entity with the following unidirectional relationship: @ ManyToMany private Set setOfOtherEntities; public Set getOtherEntities() { if (setOfOtherEntities == null) { setOfOtherEntities = new TreeSet ();   | |
Retrieving JPA Entity Objects an explicit FetchType.EAGER setting: @Entity class Employee { : @ ManyToMany ( fetch = FetchType . EAGER ) private Collection projects; : } Specifying FetchType . EAGER explicitly in @OneToMany or @ ManyToMany | |
JPA Entity Fields - for references of entity types. OneToMany , ManyToMany - for collections and maps of entity types | |
Error 363 - Failed to read value of inverse relationship = PlayerStatus.NORMAL; @ ManyToMany private List friendList = new ArrayList (), friendWishList = new ArrayList (), blockedUserList = new ArrayList (); @ ManyToMany (mappedBy = "friendWishList") private List possibleFriends; @ ManyToMany (mappedBy = "blockedUserList") private List invisibleUsers; @ManyToOne private | |
Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence. ManyToMany ; import javax ... ; @ ManyToMany (targetEntity ... ; entityChildren.add(new MyEntityChild(name)); } @ ManyToMany (targetEntity = MyEntityChild.class | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn id; String title; ... } Example 3: @Entity public class Student { @Id int studentId; ... @ ManyToMany ... is for a map key for a ManyToMany entity relationship or for a OneToMany entity relationship using ... . If the join is for a map key for a ManyToMany entity relationship or for a OneToMany entity | |
How to Remove records from many to many relationship tables in JPA public class TransportationEvent { ... @ ManyToMany (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade = CascadeType ... { .... @ ManyToMany ( fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST) private List transportationEvents ... .annotations.CascadeType.DELETE_ORPHAN) and i applied that as @ ManyToMany (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade | |
EntityManager.refresh takes a long time.ALL) private List operations = new ArrayList (); @ ManyToMany (cascade = CascadeType.REFRESH) @NotNull private List selectedPersons = new ArrayList (); @ ManyToMany (mappedBy = "selectedPersons", cascade ... siteAuth; private DialogAction currentDialogAction; @ ManyToMany (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade | |
Cascading persistence through an inverse field Hi! I was playing with cascading persistence with @ ManyToMany and inverse @ ManyToMany ... transaction-related code to keep it simple. @Entity public class PointCollection { @ ManyToMany (cascade ... ) { points.add(p); } ... } @Entity public class Point { @ ManyToMany (mappedBy="points", cascade={PERSIST | |
Find the error...JPA ENTITY HIBERNATE; import javax.persistence. ManyToMany ; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.Table ... String email; @ ManyToMany @JoinTable(name="chat", joinColumns={@JoinColumn(name="userid1 ... . ManyToMany ; import javax.persistence.Table; @Entity @Table(name = "message") public class message | |
Mysterious "Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed instance" error.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence. ManyToMany ; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import static ... ; @OneToOne(fetch=EAGER, cascade=PERSIST) public Ostrich ostrich; @ ManyToMany ... @ ManyToMany (cascade = {CascadeType.ALL}, targetEntity = Passenger.class, mappedBy = "buses")   | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyEnumerated with the ElementCollection , OneToMany , or ManyToMany annotation. If the enumerated type is not ... {JUNIOR, SENIOR, MANAGER, EXECUTIVE} @Entity public class Employee { @ ManyToMany public Projects ... () {...} ... } See Also: ElementCollection OneToMany ManyToMany Since: JPA 2.0 Public Annotation Attributes EnumType value | |
javax.persistence.OrderBy when an order column is specified. Example 1: @Entity public class Course { ... @ ManyToMany ... { ... @ ManyToMany (mappedBy="students") @OrderBy // ordering by primary key is assumed public List | |
javax.persistence.AssociationOverride class ContactInfo { @ManyToOne Address address; // Unidirectional @ ManyToMany (targetEntity=PhoneNumber.class) List phoneNumbers; } @Entity public class PhoneNumber { @Id int number; @ ManyToMany (mappedBy | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn value. If the map key is for a ManyToMany entity relationship or for a OneToMany entity relationship ... . If the map key is for a OneToMany or ManyToMany entity relationship using a join table, the name | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyClass annotations ( OneToMany or ManyToMany ). The MapKey annotation is not used when MapKeyClass is specified ... ; } See Also: ElementCollection OneToMany ManyToMany Since: JPA 2.0 Public Annotation Attributes Class value default | |
javax.persistence.JoinColumn strategy, the foreign key is in the table of the target entity. If the join is for a ManyToMany ... of the table of the target entity. If the join is for a ManyToMany mapping or for a OneToOne or | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn.table is for a map key for a ManyToMany entity relationship or for a OneToMany entity relationship using ... of the collection table for the map value. If the map is for a OneToMany or ManyToMany entity | |
joining of tables: in Employee class: @ ManyToMany @JoinTable(name = "emp_add", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name ... ", referencedColumnName = "add_id") ) public Set getAddress() { return address; } in Address class: @ ManyToMany | |
Are indexes implicitly created for relationships? Do the following annotations @OneToMany @ManyToOne @ ManyToMany @OneToOne imply @Index ? Thanks, Carl FastModel Ben Schreiber Actually these annotations (except @ ManyToMany ) should apply @Unique on the @One side. But ObjectDB doesn't apply these indexes automatically | |
Query only works correctly when debug printing results; @ ManyToMany private List topReqsList; @ ManyToMany private List bottomReqsList; private String name | |
Problem with merging / persisitng objects with @Embeddable field public class ProductSet implements Serializable { @ ManyToMany (fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade ... Serializable, Convertable { @ ManyToMany (targetEntity = ProductSet.class, mappedBy = "productDemands | |
Merge Issue: Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value object share the same child on a ManyToMany relationship with Cascade.ALL constraint. public final class ... ; @ ManyToMany (cascade = {   | | the collection table for the map value. If the join is for a map key for a ManyToMany entity relationship | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn.table JPA Annotation Attribute in javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn String table default "" (Optional) The name of the table that contains the column. Defaults: If the map key is for an element collection, the name of the collection table for the map value. If the map key is for a OneToMany or ManyToMany | | If the map key is for a ManyToMany entity relationship or for a OneToMany entity relationship using a join | |
javax.persistence.OrderColumn reordering affecting the list. The OrderColumn annotation is specified on a OneToMany or ManyToMany | |
javax.persistence.FetchType ManyToMany OneToMany ManyToOne OneToOne Since: JPA 1.0 Enum Constants EAGER Defines that data | |
javax.persistence.JoinColumn.table, the name of the table of the target entity. If the join is for a ManyToMany mapping or for a OneToOne or | | If the join is for a ManyToMany mapping or for a OneToOne or bidirectional ManyToOne/OneToMany mapping | |
javax.persistence.MapKeyTemporal , OneToMany , or ManyToMany annotation. Example: @OneToMany @MapKeyTemporal(DATE) protected java.util | |
Is there a way to set EAGER fetch on all "ToMany" collection relationships Given that the default seems to be FetchType.LAZY for all collections @OneToMany and @ ManyToMany . Such as a configuration option. Instead of having to explicitly set fetch in annotation code in every relationship. webel Dr Darren Kelly No. There is no such configuration option, since having EAGER | |
Speeding up reporting queries with size() on list field in Inspiration entity. insp.products is a list with 0 to 600 objects. Definition: @ ManyToMany | |
Join query problem with new statetment;(...) @ ManyToMany (targetEntity = Product.class, fetch = FetchType.LAZY)   | |
How to delete M2M relationship? In user model class I have the following: public class User implements Serializable { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; @ ManyToMany (mappedBy = "attendees", cascade | |
Relationship Annatations hi, what is the purpose of annotating a field with a RDB relationship shuch as OneToMany. ManyToMany etc? sprintf Reuben Alfred Using these annotations is optional in ObjectDB but required by standard JPA. You still need these annotations in ObjectDB to specify cascading / fetch policy and other settings. support Support | |
Fields in objects not populated in query result.) private Folder parent; private boolean listable; @ ManyToMany (cascade=CascadeType.ALL) private Map | |
Example database world.odb the relationships OneToMany and ManyToMany ? I want to see a working example :-) Robin_2005 Kompan Serge | |
Memory leak while merging parent with No Cascade annotation with children.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.Id; import javax.persistence. ManyToMany ; import javax | |
Eager load Map I'm having an issue eager loading a nested map. I've attached @ ManyToMany (fetch=FetchType.EAGER) attributes to no avail. If the map is viewed in the debugger or force iterated in the code it loads ok. The attached code attempts to replicate the scenario. Its not an exact match but is the best I | |
Explorer bug ? Objects seem to be missing from database in Class view, but are present as references; webel Dr Darren Kelly This reply applies to both this issue and to support ticket: @ ManyToMany |