ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Access entity version before commit transaction

Hi, I have a usecase where I need to write the updated entity version to the database before commiting the transaction: 1. Change entity field e.g. from a to b 2. Create a change entry in database containing the new version of the entity So I need to access the version of an updated entity inside

Multi-thread access to single EM's entities

If my entity classes have synchronized getters and setters, is it reliable for multiple threads to access a single EM's managed entities, as long as only the thread that created the EM interacts ... on the observable behavior of multithreaded code. When I run this example and examine the database, the entity

Update more than 10000 entities by an update query fails

Hello, following example tries to update more than 10000 entities by an update query ... .FIELD) @Entity public static class MyModelElement { @Id int id ... (); //"create and persist" em.getTransaction().begin(); EntityA entity

Running doctor.jar with entity classes in classhpath

Hi, I am wondering how to populate new entity classes to database file, so that I could add new instances of these entities to database through explorer. I tried to run com.objectdb.Doctor with model.jar (my entity classes in it) in classpath but it doesn't work (new entities still dont show up in

@Entity saved in Tomcat session - problem

Hi, I have found a problem, when storing @Entity object in Tomcat session. When starting or ... is to create copy of @Entity class as normal POJO and use it to store in session. The problem ... Lukasz Walkowski The exception indicates an attempt to serialize an entity object (when Tomcat

Entity name

created a class named EBResult which looks like this: @Entity(name="RESULT") public class EBResult ... library) I expected to see an object named "RESULT" due to class annotation @Entity(name="RESULT"). Instead I see following: 2.1. Why? Is the @Entity(name="RESULT") ignored by ObjectDB? 2.2

Error during closing an entity manager

We have found a workaround. We have just enhanced the entities and then it works as intended. But why this case does not perform without enhanced entities? btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems The exception may be due to having partial enhancement. Mixing enhanced entity classes with non enhanced entity classes in

Feature suggestion: auto-detection of entities via persistence.xml extension

I am encountering problems (complexities) with EntityManager registration of entities across multiple modules in a multi-module Maven project. I have a entities under many different paths in many ... to introduce such an entity-scanning extension feature in ObjectDB ? Q2: Does it make any difference

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with enhanced Entity

Hi! We have an two entities, the first one is something like: @Embeddable class TestEmbed {...} and the second one: @Entity class TestEntity { private TestEmbed myEmbed = null; public TestEmbed ... etc etc.). However It seems to happen only with an embeddable entity embedded within another embeddable entity like

Entity Version History

ObjectDB manages automatic entity versioning (for optimistic lock purposes). Every entity object modification is reflected by a new version number. Naturally, previous values in the entity object ... to go back in time and view old versions (and old values) of entity objects. Future versions of ObjectDB

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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