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How to check if an entity exists in a Database without loading it?

.pk = :pk or SELECT COUNT(e) FROM MyClass e WHERE

LazyInitialization / join fetch

_.codigo = ? Hibernate : select count ( item0_.codigo ) from the col_0_0_ item item0_ Nov

Conflicting modifiers .... (javax.persistence.Id, javax.persistence.ManyToOne)

; @Entity @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "numberOfMapItems", query = "SELECT COUNT(x) FROM

collection of embedded objects

? ie. Suppose I want to query: SELECT count(a) FROM

ObjectDB size not reducing

and the backup file is not any smaller(it gets bigger) each hour as record count reduces.

java.sql.Timestamp.getTime() not working

Hi, I need to work with Timestamp diff in two entity fields, but this queries SELECT count(p) FROM Player p WHERE p.loginAt.getTime()-p.registeredAt.getTime()>:value SELECT p.loginAt.getTime() FROM Player p

Entity has be persistended,but query not fetched?

;      System.out.println("count: " + query.getResultList().size());  

Sorting problem

(     int start, int count, String sortColumn, boolean isAscending) I

Blocked by find

helped solving the "Negative snapshot user count" error (Issue #556).

Server out of memory exceptions

? Following the thread dump I count about 9 open databases. For 10 open databases