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General Settings and Logging

> represents the date). A new log file is also generated when the log file exceeds the maximum size ... of the subsystem loggers are currently undocumented and can change at any time without notice.

Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API

> Date values can be compared by using any comparison operator. Equality operators (=, <>, ==, !=) on date values in queries follow the logic


> () Create expression to return current date. current date. Returns: expression for current date


"> Get the current lock mode for the query. Get the current lock mode for the query. Date_TemporalType" title="Method of javax

Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004

shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. 4. Redistribution

Schema Update

should usually be located on the client side where the up to date classes are located.

JPA Annotations for Fields

> Other additional annotations (and enum) are designated for date and calendar fields:

Privacy Policy

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> currentValue - the current value of the field ... > currentValue - the current value of the field ... > currentValue - the current value of the field

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

the database. Predefined Java types like ArrayList, String and Date