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EntityManager.find(entityClass, primaryKey) is slow when accessing non-existent IDs

999999 warm select all  uncached existing PT0.266S read 999999 warm select all  cached ... existing   <- 8 PT0S     read 0      hot select first cached   unexisting <- 1 PT0.331S read 999999 hot select first cached   existing   <- 6

significant performance decrease

to optimize the cache settings, current objectdb.conf is: < ... ; <processing cache="2048mb" max-threads="10" synchronized="false"/> <query-cache results ... " reflection="warning" /> <cache ref="weak" level2="4096mb" /> <persist serialization


a second-level cache for the persistence unit. The result of this method corresponds to the shared-cache-mode element in the persistence.xml file. Returns: the second-level cache

Server out of memory exceptions

due to increasing page cache size ... page cache (per database) is 64MB, so the cache of the two large databases consumes at least 128MB (probably a little more). Other caches (page caches of the 2 other databases, query results caches


="teaser"> Return the cached hash code. Return the cached hash code. Returns: the cached hash code


"> Return the cached hash code. Return the cached hash code. Returns: the cached hash code.


="description"> Validates the PersistenceManager cache with the datastore ... is active, this method verifies the consistency of instances in the cache against the datastore ... and verifies the consistency of the instances in the cache against the datastore. If any inconsistencies


the cache after commit is defined by the retainValues flag. With this flag set to true, during beforeCompletion all cached instances are prepared for detachment according to the fetch plan ... the cache transition to detached; non-detachable persistent instances transition to transient


() Return the cached hash code. Return the cached hash ... > the cached hash code.


> () Return the cached hash code. Return the cached hash code. the cached hash code.