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JPA Level 2 Cache - app config

Hello! I would like to use selective cache for JPA Level 2 (cached in EntityManagerFactory) in one app, but no cache at all in another app. Both will be connected to the same ObjectDB ... ="/java/jpa/setting/entities#the_cache_element">

Distributed second level cache

Is it possible to configure the second level cache as distributed? caches. The object Person "John" is changed on application node 1 - name is set to "Jim" - so the second level cache on application node 1

cache optimizing

ssd. we wonder if the cache and other settings can be optimized ... ;      <!-- cache: 2048mb/8GByte RAM, 4096mb/16GByte RAM, 8192mb above --> ... ;         <processing cache="16384mb" max-threads="8" />

Cache configuration of database file pages, query programs, query results

Are there some possibilities to configure following caches in order to keep cache ... . Cache of database file pages. Cache of query programs. Cache of query execution results. btc_es BTC EmbeddedSystems These caches are fully automatic

Compiled Queries and Cache

objectdb.conf has options for query results and program cache.  (objectdb.conf > database > query-cache > results and programs, cache_element">

Using of Second Level Cache

to MyEntity2/MyEntity3 was load and the entity MyEntity1 is taken in the second level cache ... EmbeddedSystems The 2nd level cache stores object data (byte[]) rather than live entity objects ... and MyEntity3 objects are stored in the 2nd level cache as

Working with a cleared cache

and I'm attempting to keep the L1 cache within the PersistenceManager cleared in an effort to reduce ... have cleared the cache?   try ... .makePersistentAll(addCollection); // Flush the JDO cache m

Working with JPA Entity Objects

at it is that the persistence context also functions as a local cache for a given EntityManager. ObjectDB also manages a cache">level 2 shared cache ... well as other caches as explained in the Configuration chapter.

Database Explorer

. Check [Disable Cache] to bypass query program and result caches. Click ... the Cache When a database is open in the Explorer in client server mode, it can be accessed ... in the Explorer might display cached content that does not reflect the up to date data in

Page cache File handling produced an Negative seek offset

Page cache File handling produced an Negative seek offset