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In memory processing for ObjectDB

us here. Additionally the only cache I see in settings is query cache, is it only that query result sets are cached or I can actually have a all of my Objects in Cache ? We can run ... on an ordinary drive with a large cache, or if large RAM is available and used by the internal


.persistence">javax.persistence.SharedCacheModeENABLE_SELECTIVE Caching ... cached. Since: JPA 2.0


.persistence">javax.persistence.SharedCacheModeDISABLE_SELECTIVE Caching ... for which Cacheable(false) is specified are not cached. Since:JPA 2.0


is not active. If a datastore transaction is active, this method synchronizes the cache ... , this method obtains a datastore connection, synchronizes the cache with the datastore using this connection


whether the query should execute entirely in the back end, instead of in the cache. If this flag ... by ignoring changed values in the cache. For optimistic transactions, this can dramatically improve


if a transaction is not active. If a datastore transaction is active, this method synchronizes the cache ... , this method obtains a datastore connection, synchronizes the cache with the datastore using


> of instances as no longer needed in the cache. Parameters ... > of instances to evict from the cache.

isLoaded(pc, field)

if the field is cached in the calling instance. whether the field is cached in the calling instance


the cache. Parameters: pcs - the array of instances to evict from the cache.


uses for controlling a second-level cache. If this factory does not use a second-level cache