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What role is the JDO in ObjectDB?

of the failures of the EJB persistence model, and some frustration at not having a satisfactory ... frameworks that make extensive use of bytecode enhancement. Once the EJB 3.0 persistence movement

Update is ignored by ObjectDB

, everything work fine. @EJB SMDB lib; ... Order orderInfo = lib ... managers. I think that this problem is related to EJB injection behavior of ObjectDB

use of Singleton into tomcat

of the only instance of class singleton. (the class singleton is not a Ejb!!!!!!!!!). into tomcat it not possible  use ejbs............. i have to manage the concurrency for the operations

@ElementCollection Set is emptied sometimes

that does that, a @Singleton EJB, plus the affected entity. zmirc Mircea Chirac

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

Hi,  I'm trying to migrate a small EJB 3.1 project from Postgres to ObjectDb to test out feasibility, but I keep getting stuck on setting up the persistence.xml on JBoss 6 AS. Here is my setup: <persistence version="2.0

Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active

: @EJB RecordDao recordDao; recordDao.storeRecord

What are the steps of creating small web app?

Java, Servlet, Managed Beans, JSF, JSP, EJB, JMS, JPA, JDBC,Security, Ajax using Primefaces.

Does ObjectDB create one instance of each entity class on (web app) load ?

across the system. Most of my EJB methods for querying are configurable with a pre-detach loader

Problem with distinct select, order by and equivalent alias/attribute path

error still. It is a Java EE 7 project running in wildfly 9 using JPA and JTA (EJB 3.1

Query can't see recently persisted object

When using container managed transactions (EJB) in Payara 4.1.3 with ObjectDB embedded, ObjectDB does not appear to present a read consistent view of persisted objects within the same transaction. e.g. in the following code the NoResultException is correctly thrown on the first