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JRebel integration feature

backing beans and parts of EJBs (such as queries) live and even make changes to some aspects of JPA

disabling JDO in objectdb embedded mode

-SNAPSHOT/lib/metamodel-ejb-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar] doneCalled = false Parent -> org.glassfish.internal

UserException - Object User#2 belongs to another EntityManager

while executing [@PostConstruct.] javax.ejb.EJBException: The bean encountered a non-application

Error in reading Enum in JPA - Failed to read using reflection

I have created a very simple Entity User which has an enum Status (INACTIVE, ACTIVE). When an entity User is created, everything looks OK and I have seen on explorer that User is created as expected with valid values of Status. This is all done with JPA/EJBs.

Web Framework Recommendation for leveraging JPA + ObjectDB

, JSPs, JSF and EJB. Spring MVC Framework with either a servlet container or

Help with JPA2 Criteria and conditional operator grouping

is failing. The same EJB running against my eclipselink persistence.xml shows the grouping happening. I've

Reporting Engine?

> kevine Kevin Elbury Basic support of JPQL / EJB QL is available for both Birt (using

Replication error on slave restart

(all: master, slave, local). All communication with DB is over EJB persistance-unit (with objectdb

Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

get that to your ejb. That is the easiest solution.  Another way might be by setting a system variable

ObjectDB 2.2.6

Fixed the "Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value" after flush bug. Fixed a bug in tracking changes to collections of new flushed entity objects. Fixed generated value (ID allocation) bug with flush and in EJB containers.