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EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

Hi, I have an issue with the EntityManager. My persistance XML looks like: System.out.println("EntityManager Name: " + em.getClass().getName()); The result ... command, I get: com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl Whats going on here? Is the entityManager not controlled

Attempt to execute a query using a closed EntityManager

to execute a query using a closed EntityManager at com.objectdb.o.MSG.d( EntityManager at org.apache ... : Attempt to execute a query using a closed EntityManager at org.apache.el.parser.AstValue.invoke

Accessing objects to make them available after EntityManager close?!

.createEntityManagerFactory("$objectdb/db/vipack/vnfr_lessons.odb"); EntityManager em = emf ... ">EntityManager changes the state of the managed object to EntityManager when it was open are available (and references to unloaded

Issue with orphanRemoval and multiple EntityManagers

that are using OneToMany relationship with orphanRemoval set to true. I use a new EntityManager for each ... the same EntityManager for both transactions for these scenarios, the database contains 0 and 2 child ... ;   EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();        

Suspected memleak caused by bad state of EntityManager

Our application manages the Entities itself, so we close the EntityManager ... construct and finalize, we found the problem is caused by bad state of EntityManager. After first throwing the InternalException, the EntityManager throws every time when doing merge operation

creating EntityManager on odb file created on Mac 64bit on Windows 32bit

other program, create an EntityManagerFactory and later EntityManager on this file ... it crashes while creating EntityManager. Do you have any idea why does it crash? Thanks, EntityManager on this odb file. And the program is creating 1kb file named

EntityManager to closed

Hi I understand we should close the entitymanager after each use, and close the factory ... running in Clint server mode.  I am just running some test cases and opened up 100 entitymanager ... ="code">EntityManager and EntityManagerFactory instances

Metamodel Attribute NOT EQUALS to same Attribute in a different EntityManager

Attribute from Metamodel initialized on @PostConstruct event IS NOT EQUALS of the same Attribute from Metamodel of a differente EntityManager initialized on a @Controller @RequestMapping ... .metamodel" from EntityManager and these two metamodels come from different EntityManagers

EntityManager getMetamodel() causes crash

I am trying to track down some obscure errors with multi-threading.  This involved looking at the EntityManager Metamodel but this caused an ObjectDB exception.  So I reverted ... "); // "objectdb://localhost/test.tmp;user=admin;password=admin;drop" EntityManager em

An entityManager.flush() with many entities is not possible

occures if we call entityManager.flush() where the corresponding JPA PersistenceContext has many entities and relations. What is the reason for the exception? entityManager.getTransaction().commit() instead of a entityManager.flush() works correctly. Unfortunately I have not found a simple example