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Remove not working

because, in the same transaction, I gather an Extent, delete an object, then try to gather the same Extent again. The Extent traversal throws the error because it encounters the object that was deleted. The fix was to do a PersistenceManager.flush() before trying to gather the Extent the second time. I did


java.lang Interface Iterable<T> Subinterfaces: Extent Iterator<T> iterator()


extent, result class, and range limits are not used. The String parameters are trimmed of white ... is null, then the candidate collection is the extent of the candidate class. The String... version ... . Returns: the current setting of the flag Since: JDO 2.0 void setCandidates( Extent pcs) Set

newQuery(cln, filter)

Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Query newQuery( Extent cln, String filter ) Create a new Query with the candidate Extent and filter; the class is taken from the Extent. Parameters: cln - the Extent of candidate instances filter - the filter for candidate instances Returns: the new Query Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.Query void setCandidates( Extent pcs ) Set the candidate Extent to query. Parameters: pcs - the candidate Extent. Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Query newQuery( Extent cln ) Create a new Query with the Class of the candidate instances and candidate Extent. Parameters: cln - the Extent of candidate instances Returns: the new Query Since: JDO 1.0


. An instance of this interface can be obtained from PersistenceManager.getFetchPlan, Extent.getFetchPlan, and Query.getFetchPlan. When a Query or Extent is retrieved from a PersistenceManager, its FetchPlan ... of the Query or Extent's FetchPlan are not reflected in the FetchPlan of the PersistenceManager. Since: JDO

addSubquery(sub, variableDeclaration, candidateCollectionExpression, parameters)

with a PersistenceManager, the candidate collection or extent, result class, and range limits are not used ... value is the empty String, or the parameter is null, then the candidate collection is the extent


requiresExtent Whether this class or interface manages an extent. Whether this class or interface manages an extent. Default value: "" Since: JDO 2.1 String schema Schema to use for persisting this class or


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Extent<T> getExtent( Class<T> persistenceCapableClass ) Equivalent to getExtent (persistenceCapableClass, true). Parameters: persistenceCapableClass - Since: JDO 2.0 See Also: getExtent(Class,boolean)

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