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GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

The GROUP BY clause enables grouping of query results. A JPQL query with a GROUP BY ... >The position of a GROUP BY clause in the query execution order is after the FROM and WHERE clauses, but before the SELECT clause. When a GROUP BY clause exists in a JPQL query, database objects (or tuples

Grouping by date()

({t '23:59:00'}) is evaluated to 0. Quite often I have to group by date(). For few queries ... problem with new version. When you group by date() there are two days per day. I mean group by ... ) from ObjectView ov group by hour(ov.created) order by hour(ov.created) ASC where ov

Group by date / time

grouped by year / mont / day. Each entity has it's own field that holds java.lang.Date ... GROUP BY YEAR(record_date), MONTH(record_date) or maybe something like this: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM stats WHERE YEAR(record_date) = 2009 GROUP BY DATE

Group by: list if no aggregate function is specified

Hello! In a query like SELECT parent, children FROM Parent parent LEFT JOIN p.children children GROUP BY parent maybe it would be good if it will return a list of Object[2], where the second object is a list of children of a parent. Because creating

ORDER BY clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

Country c ORDER BY DESC Grouping (GROUP BY) Order The ORDER BY ... and a GROUP BY clause the SELECT clause receives groups rather than individual objects and ORDER BY ... ) FROM Country c WHERE 'Europe' MEMBER OF c.continents GROUP BY c.currency HAVING COUNT(c) >

ObjectDB Object Database Features

/jpa/query/jpql/group">GROUP BY (including group#group_by_with_having">HAVING and group#group_by_with_aggregate_functions">aggregates ... ). group#group_by_with_aggregate_functions


">Expression... grouping) Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the subquery results. Replaces the previous specified grouping expressions, if any. If no grouping expressions are specified, any previously added grouping


.criteria">Expression<?>> grouping) Specify the expressions that are used to form groups over the subquery results. Replaces the previous specified grouping expressions, if any. If no grouping expressions are specified, any previously


.Queryvoid setGrouping(  String group) Set the grouping expressions, optionally including a "having" clause. When grouping is specified, each result expression must either be an expression contained in the grouping

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

automatically by ObjectDB from the database. If the field belongs to the default fetch group, values ... that are needed often and are relatively small. By default, the group contains all the fields ... default. The default-fetch-group attribute can change the default, as demonstrated by fields