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Occasionally slow requests in load testing

normally is barely registering and once it starts having this issue it is around 10-15

JBOSS AS7 7.1.1 - Entity not persisted and createNamedQuery fire exception

there is no more need to include it in the lib of the .war having objectdb*.jar packaged within the war does

Calculating age in query?

Hi! I've got an issue: I have a birthdate as java.sql.Date and a separate field int age. However, of course the age is not accurate because it gets set only once. So what's the best bet (JPA Standard way) to solve the issue of accessing and filtering by an age (having

multi thread application, id field sporadically null

We are testing objectDB with a multi thread application. Each thread has it's own entityManager created from a common factory. In one thread we receive sometimes an object from the database with the field that is declared as @Id having the value null (what is not correct

How to move @Embedable collection to a dedicated entity class?

? Having a parent with 500K children, when I clear the list by parent.getChildren().clear(), it loads

Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?

> xirt Sylvain Support, I have done some benchmarks ( after having removed

Optimization of Map Queries

hi! I am having loads and loads of occurrences of something like ((com.test.MyEntity) $'com.test.MyEntity')).someProperty ... ((com.test.MyEntity) $'com.test.MyEntity')).someOtherProperty .. ((com.test.MyEntity) $1

Time Sequence Object Command DB

sequence in the database without having to update objects defined using the older schemas.  

Multiple MEMBER OF query

Hello, Having an entity Items that have a collection field called labels, I need to find items that have two specific labels. @Entity public class Items { private List<Label> labels; } I

Issue with DISTINCT Select

, what is the desired, JPA-Conform way of NOT having a result with doubled $1 and stilll use