ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Broken @ManyToOne reference

: @MappedSuperclass public abstract class A { @Id @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL, optional=false) private B b; @Id @Column(length = 36) private String stringId; } @MappedSuperclass public abstract class B { @Id private String name; } Both objects store


Employee { @Id String empName; @Id Date birthDay; ... } Since: JPA 1.0 Class


{ @Id int id; @Transient User currentUser; ... } Since: JPA 1.0 This annotation is a marker annotation (with no elements).


Method javax.jdo.identity.StringIdentity boolean equals( Object obj ) Determine if the other object represents the same object id. Parameters: obj - the other object Returns: true if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0


javax.jdo.spi Interface PersistenceCapable.ObjectIdFieldSupplier Subinterfaces: ObjectIdFieldManager This interface is used to provide fields to the Object id instance. It is used by the method ... of ObjectIdFieldManager for each field in the object id. Since: JDO 1.0 boolean fetchBooleanField(int fieldNumber


Static Method javax.jdo.JDOHelper Object[] getObjectIds( Object[] pcs ) Get object ids for an array of instances. For each instance in the parameter, the getObjectId method is called. This method ... - the persistence-capable instances Returns: the object ids of the parameters Since: JDO 2.0 See Also: getObjectId(Object pc) getObjectIds(Collection pcs)


Static Method javax.jdo.JDOHelper Collection getObjectIds( Collection pcs ) Get object ids for a collection of instances. For each instance in the parameter, the getObjectId method is called ... : pcs - the persistence-capable instances Returns: the object ids of the parameters Since: JDO 2.0 See Also: getObjectId(Object pc) getObjectIds(Object[] pcs)


Method javax.jdo.identity.IntIdentity boolean equals( Object obj ) Determine if the other object represents the same object id. Parameters: obj - the other object Returns: true if both objects represent the same object id Since: JDO 1.0

jdoCopyKeyFieldsFromObjectId(fm, oid)

field in the ObjectId. For example, an ObjectId class that has three key fields (int id, String name ... (ObjectIdFieldConsumer fm, Object objectId) { EmployeeKey oid = (EmployeeKey)objectId; fm.storeIntField (0, oid.id); fm

jdoCopyKeyFieldsToObjectId(fm, oid)

in the ObjectId. For example, an ObjectId class that has three key fields (int id, String name ... fm, Object objectId) { EmployeeKey oid = (EmployeeKey)objectId; oid.id = fm.fetchIntField (0); oid

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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