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JPA Primary Key

an object database, ObjectDB supports implicit object IDs , so an explicitly defined primary key is not ... a primary key field: @Entity public class Project { @ Id @GeneratedValue long id ; // still set automatically : } The @ Id annotation marks a field as a primary key field. When a primary key field is defined

Auto Generated Values

number generator for every database. This number generator is used to generate automatic object IDs ... @GeneratedValue with the AUTO strategy: @Entity public class EntityWithAutoId1 { @ Id @GeneratedValue ( strategy = GenerationType . AUTO ) long id ; : } AUTO is the default strategy, so the following


JPA Annotation Id Target: METHOD, FIELD Implemented Interfaces: Annotation Specifies the primary key of an entity. The field or property to which the Id annotation is applied ... : @ Id public Long getId() { return id ; } See Also: Column GeneratedValue Since: JPA 1.0 The JPA

JDO Predefined ID Classes

An object ID is a combination of a persistence capable class and a primary key. It provides a unique representation of a persistent object. The following classes serve as predefined ID classes for persistence capable classes with a simple single field primary key: Object IDs are used in many

ObjectDB Object Database Features

to ObjectDB. Persistence is set using JPA/JDO annotations (e.g. @Entity , @ Id , @Index ). Transparent ... Modes Hidden - primary key is automatically managed by ObjectDB with no @ Id field. Simple primary key - a single @ Id  field. Composite primary key - multiple @ Id  fields or a @EmbeddedId field

JPA Entity Fields

(Mapped By) fields Primary key ( ID ) fields Version field The first three groups (transient ... static class PropertyAccess { private int _ id ; @ Id int getId() { return _ id ; } void setId(int id ) { _ id = id ; } private String str; String getStr() { return str; } void setStr(String str) { this.str

JPA Metamodel API

= entityType. getSupertype (); // Checks if the type has a single ID attribute: boolean hasSingleId = entityType. hasSingleIdAttribute (); // Gets a single ID attribute - including inherited: SingularAttribute id1 = entityType. getId (Long.class); // Gets a single ID attribute - excluding 

Database Transaction Replayer

of the database at the end of a specific transaction. The ID of that transaction is used as the name of the file. A recording file, with the same transaction ID in its name, contains database operations ... ID is specified as a second argument the Replayer applies recorded operations

Schema Update

The configuration element supports renaming packages, classes and fields in ObjectDB databases as a complementary operation to renaming or moving these elements in the IDE during source code ... with persistable classes that have been renamed or moved in the IDE , with no matching schema configuration

Defining a JPA Entity Class

you might have noticed that the Point entity class has no primary key ( @ Id ) field. As an object database, ObjectDB supports implicit object IDs , so an explicitly defined primary key is not required

Shared (L2) Entity Cache

= cache. contains (MyEntity.class, Long.valueOf( id )); Cached entity objects can be removed from the cache ... (MyEntity.class, Long.valueOf( id )); // Remove all the instances of a specific class from the cache

JPA Annotations for Classes

policy (as explained in chapter 3 ): Another JPA class annotation defines an ID class: ID classes

Chapter 1 - Quick Tour

your IDE refer to one of the following tutorials: Getting Started with JPA and Eclipse Tutorial ... on how to start using JPA in your IDE with the ObjectDB object database. Given the simplicity of ObjectDB, that should be quick and easy even for a novice.

Is ObjectDB better than competing object databases?

, supporting community, forums, IDEs support, tools, books, tutorials and sample code. ObjectDB

JPA Class Enhancer

server has to be run with the Java agent JVM argument. Setting a Java Agent Enhancer in the IDE In

Privacy Policy

automatically, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID

ObjectDB - JPA Object Database for Java

flexibility - same API for Relational and Object Databases. Better community support (tools, IDEs , books

BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver

and restarting the IDE . Note: See this issue regarding matching the driver version to the ObjectDB server

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

and improve efficiency, but they also have some limitations. An embedded object cannot have an object ID ... object). 6.2  Object IDs and Names Identifying database objects by unique IDs and by names ... two identifying methods for database objects. The first method, object IDs , is supported by JDO

Step 1: Install BIRT and ObjectDB Driver

of the Eclipse IDE that includes BIRT built in. This option may be useful if you are not using the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. Update your existing Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers environment by installing the BIRT plugins  using the Eclipse Update Manager (updating Eclipse IDE

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @ Id @GeneratedValue private long id ... Long getId() { return id ; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } @Override ... should represent Point objects in the database. Apart from the @Entity annotation and the id field

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @ Id @GeneratedValue private long id ; private int x; private ... () { return id ; } public int getX() { return x; } public int getY() { return y; } @Override public String ... objects in the database. Besides the @Entity annotation and the id field (and its annotations

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence. Id ; @Entity public class Guest implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Persistent Fields: @ Id @GeneratedValue Long id ; private ... and the id field (and its annotations) - the Guest class is an ordinary Java class. The next step is adding

Step 2: Define a JPA Entity Class

; import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence. Id ; @Entity public class Guest implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Persistent Fields: @ Id @GeneratedValue Long id ; private String name; private Date signingDate; // Constructors: public

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence. Id ; @Entity public class Guest implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Persistent Fields: @ Id @GeneratedValue Long id ; private

Getting Started with JPA and Eclipse

. For this tutorial, besides the Java JDK (8 or above) and the Eclipse IDE (either Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers or Eclipse IDE for Java Developers), you only need to download and extract the ObjectDB

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

; import javax.persistence. Id ; @Entity public class Guest implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Persistent Fields: @ Id @GeneratedValue Long id ; private String

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence. Id ; @Entity public class Guest implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Persistent Fields: @ Id @GeneratedValue Long id

Step 2: Entity Class and Persistence Unit

.GeneratedValue; import javax.persistence. Id ; @Entity public class Guest implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Persistent Fields: @ Id @GeneratedValue Long id ; private String

JPA Web App Tutorial - Maven Project

/Guestbook/ You may also open and run the Maven project in your IDE : NetBeans IDE and IntelliJ IDEA have built in Maven support.

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

Next . Enter Group Id (e.g.  Guestbook ), Artifact Id (e.g.  Guestbook ), Version (e.g

Java EE JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

project in your IDE : NetBeans IDE and IntelliJ IDEA have built in Maven support.

Getting Started with JPA - Maven Project

the Maven project in your IDE : NetBeans IDE and IntelliJ IDEA have built in Maven support.

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

://localhost:8080/Guestbook/ You may also open and run the Maven project in your IDE : NetBeans IDE and IntelliJ IDEA have built in Maven support.

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

create and compile the classes externally in your IDE , and then use the "File | Load New Classes" menu ... schema (for instance, a new persistent field added in the IDE ) is applied to the database automatically ... to renaming the class in the IDE , to avoid losing old persistent instances of the class. Similarly

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

database, ObjectDB always uses datastore identity with its own object- id class). 4.3   ... objects can reduce storage space and improve efficiency, but they do not have an object ID ... (with a unique object ID ). The embedded-key and embedded-value indicate whether the keys and the values of a map

Eclipse/JPA Spring MVC Web Tutorial

the following software: Java JDK 6.0 (or above). Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. m2eclipse

Step 1: Create a Maven Web Project

We start by creating a new Maven web project in NetBeans: Open the [New Project] dialog box, e.g. by using File New Project... Select Maven Maven Web Application and click Next . Choose a Project Name (e.g. Guestbook ) and select Java EE 5. Enter Maven Group Id (e.g. com.objectdb.tutorial.spring

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

when the Maven project is imported into the IDE ). Choose or define the server and click  Finish

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

getAllGuests() { TypedQuery query = em.createQuery( "SELECT g FROM Guest g ORDER BY g. id ", Guest.class

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

() { TypedQuery query = em.createQuery( "SELECT g FROM Guest g ORDER BY g. id ", Guest.class); return

Spring MVC JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

project is imported into the IDE ). Choose or define the server and click  Finish . Eclipse

Eclipse/JPA Java EE Tutorial

above). Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers. GlassFish Server 3.0.1 (or above). The last version of ObjectDB (just

Eclipse/JPA Web Application Tutorial

For this tutorial you will need the following software: Java JDK (6.0 or above). Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

Getting Started with JPA

; ObjectDB Manual , but if you prefer to start by running a live sample application in your IDE

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

getAllGuests() { TypedQuery query = em.createQuery( "SELECT g FROM Guest g ORDER BY g. id ", Guest.class); return

JPA Web App Tutorial - Eclipse Project

is imported into the IDE ). Choose or define the server and click Finish . Eclipse should open an internal

Step 1: Create a Java Project

We start by creating a new Java project, using: File New Project... If you are using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, you can see in the [New] menu a command for creating a [JPA Project]. We are not using that type of project in this tutorial but rather an ordinary Java Project. In the [New

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

scripts (like ANT for example), but in most Java IDEs a plugin is required to integrate a JDO enhancer into the IDE Build command. A simple alternative that does not require a plugin and works on any Java IDE (and also from the command line) is to add a new simple main class to a project

Which API should I use - JPA or JDO?

and extends the availability of experienced developers, forums, IDEs support, tools, books