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ID format in objectdb 2.x for JDOHelper.getObjectId

to get the object id for a persistable object, i am getting an integer as a result e.g obj.toString() = 3:1 , which is not an integer and this object has two feild object id and type id. Can you please let me know if there is any change in the JDOHelper

EntityManager.find(entityClass, primaryKey) is slow when accessing non-existent IDs

(entityClass, primaryKey) is slow when accessing * non-existent IDs. * * Select queries process non-existent IDs fastest. * */ public class OdbEmFindById { public static final ... public XId id; public X() { } public X(XId id

Get multiple entities by Id

I'm trying to fetch a list of entities, by their Id. I Use this query: SELECT c FROM User c WHERE IN :ids This querey works as long as I don't set the property "id" as @Id. If i set @Id to any other member


Annotation Id Id annotation is applied ... key property or field. Example: @Id public

JPA Primary Key

the database. As an object database, ObjectDB supports implicit object IDs, so an explicitly defined ... public class Project { Id">@Id @GeneratedValue long id; // still set automatically : } The

Auto Generated Values

automatic object IDs for entity objects with no primary key fields defined (as explained in the id#automatic_primary_key">previous section). The same number ... /Entity">@Entity public class EntityWithAutoId1 { Id">@Id

JDO Predefined ID Classes

An object ID is a combination of a persistence capable class and a primary key ... predefined ID classes for persistence capable classes with a simple single field primary key: id/classes"> Object IDs are used


">javax.jdo.ConstantsString PMF_ATTRIBUTE_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID The name of the persistence manager factory element's "server-time-zone-id" attribute.


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString PROPERTY_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_ID Mapping "javax

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

, but they also have some limitations. An embedded object cannot have an object ID. An embedded object ... > 6.2  Object IDs and Names Identifying database objects by unique IDs and by ... method, object IDs, is supported by JDO. The second method, object names, is not supported by JDO