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> Since: JPA 2.0 id="method-group-header" class="group-header"> id="member_7031" class="member method"> JPA 2.0 id="member_4438" class="member

JPA Annotations for Fields

The way a field of a persistable class is managed by JPA can be set by the following annotations: Id|EmbeddedId|Version|Transient"> Additional

JPA / JDO Class Enhancer

with the Java agent JVM argument. Setting a Java Agent Enhancer in the IDE In

Privacy Policy

, including, but not limited to, the type of mobile device You use, Your mobile device unique ID

ObjectDB - Object Database for Java (JPA/JDO)

for Relational and Object Databases. Better community support (tools, IDEs, books, forums

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

;%@page import="guest.*"%> <jsp:useBean id="guestDao" type="guest.GuestDao" scope="request

Eclipse/JPA Spring MVC Web Tutorial

> Java JDK 6.0 (or above). Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.

Java EE 6 JPA Tutorial - Eclipse Project

the IDE). Choose or define the server and click Finish. Eclipse

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

( "SELECT g FROM Guest g ORDER BY", Guest.class); return query.getResultList

Step 3: Define a Spring DAO Component

ORDER BY", Guest.class); return query.getResultList(); } }