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Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

Hi,   I've run into a little bit of a wall with regards ... >   Erick, thanks for your suggestions. I'll look into that now. I'm using EJB3.1, JPA2 on Glassfish 3.1. The solution you mentioned is something I'll look into

Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

into some following errors due to lack of memory. Some information to our scenario:into the dat files they are all (with exception of the first one) empty. Or ... - and take a look into temp -> "     + "All Database connections are closed but temp contains

problem when primary key value is zero

I am copying data from a postgres database to objectDB. Some of the rows in the postgres table were created by postgres DDL / SQL insert statements and so do not abide by all JPA rules and recommendations, in particular there are some primary keys with value == 0

Java 8 Enhancer Problem

.jpa.EMImpl.merge( Inserting new objects works. Also merging ones

Object belongs to another EntityManager - ERROR

Hi, From time to time we are getting following error in our project when trying to insert/update a record in database [ObjectDB 2.4.6_13] javax.persistence.RollbackException 10:29:14,880 ERROR [stderr] (http--

@Column length is not working.

I am using objectdb 2.8.3, I have a Entity class with a column that is declared as @Column(unique = true, nullable = false, length = 16) but when i m trying to insert a string for that column with a string that has more than 16 character, not able to get any

Intermittent: "Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value" when persisting a new instance

to be re-used was '1', but the actual last object created has an id of 168,000. I've inserted 168,000 objects

zip file or JAR manifest missing

will check the target existence, if yes then accumulate, else insert a new record.

Performance in SELECT statement

is also very slow (5-6s for 30.000 inserts). Environment is JBoss Wildfly 9.0.2. Classes are enhanced...

Beginners questions

id; @ManyToOne @Column(name = "VERLAG_ID") @JoinColumn(name="VERLAG_ID", insertable=false, updatable