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find() cost unreasonable time!

= (System.currentTimeMillis()-start)/1000f;   System.out.printf("Insert: %f objects per second %n", iNum ... -java"> 4096 @ 0.204 8192 @ 0.329 12288 @ 0.391 16384 @ 0.422 Total: 16386, Level:8192 Insert

How to access database object to my application.

below, please check. 1: GetterSetter method  2: Creating object for insert data  3: For Access data. Here object created and value inserted successfully but when i

Slave server not getting deletes

I have a Master and Slave Server and the slave server is getting the persists, but when I do a delete query, the records don't get deleted "delete from TestTable t " When I insert a record, then delete it, then re-insert it again, the slave

Adding EntityListener Throws Unexpected Internal Exception

:164) at data.DataDev.lambda$insert$5( at data.DataDev$$Lambda$2/2130689326 ... ) at data.DataDev.insert( at Global.onStart( at play.core.j

SectionClassifier message in log

will be on object insertion but in case it helps the error in the application on object retrieval is: It could be either insertion or retrieval problem. The Doctor output may highlight this.

Show Sql/Jpql

Sql/Jpql style not xml. I can only see select statements, but I also want to see insert, update ... Insert, Update and Delete operations (except delete/

Can not have unique index on Byte Array

I found that it is impossible to insert a record with @Unique byte[] var; after initial insertion of a single record. Below is the exception:   Nbl3hQfe6LHayqZ7TQKivA== iWbldTBdz3etGCqHspWw3Q== Exception in

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

/ INSERT / UPDATE operations are in that huge transaction? Can we assume single ... ; What combination of DELETE / INSERT / UPDATE operations are in that huge transaction?

ClassCastException thrown when running count query

have inserted. I'm currently evaluating your product. So i insert and delete a lot of data. I also tried

Unexpected exception (Error 990) on find

I have a huge amount of inserts/updates and after a about 850.000 Entities I got the following error: [ObjectDB 2.4.7_16] Unexpected exception (Error ... updates (not only inserts) to some entities. But the Exception seams to come always when searching