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Error when I switch to server mode

:119) at Source) I'm just doing a simple insert.

how to create only table structure.

hi, I want to create only a table without insertions of data. And also table contains constraints like not_null, unique, primary key etc. Ex: (In sql) create table emp (id int(5) primary key, name varchar2(20)); , so it will create only table. when we want

Performance of "InsertTest"

-sizing:border-box">Insertion Speed Rate and Batch Load

Multithreading Test and Deadlock

I move on to testing the multi threaded part of ObjectDB. From the same code (, I set the thread count from 1 to 4 and not only do I found it's slower overall (each thread only needs to insert 250K entities) but the threads are stuck with a deadlock.

Bidirectional OneToMany is slow on updated items

Hello, I have a problem with the following situation. I insert persons with addresses. In the first run, they are all new with a new address. It runs fast. In the second run, the persons are all loaded and got a second address. This seams

EntityManagerFactory Fails To Swtich Over To Slave When Master Is Unavailable

boolean WRITE_DATA_TO_DATABASE = true;" to insert a few records. Stop 4.) Re-run

Query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN

> But the result of the query is different if insert the WHERE conditions instead of in the left join

Finding an object by its datetime

SearchBookingByTimeStamp() { Calendar btime = Calendar.getInstance(); btime.set(2012, 10, 11, 7, 30, 00); //This time is already inserted, trying to find it /* My Query */ TypedQuery<Booking> query = em.createQuery( "SELECT b

Unexpected not reproducable exception during commit

> The exact cause is unclear, but it happens during index update when an attempt to insert a new

ObjectDB 2.0.0

> Improved performance of database insert/update/delete operations.