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Access objectdb.conf as class loader resource

.conf file as a class loader resource? Regards, Vladimir tsichevski ... "> expected path, then it is loaded as a resource from: META-INF/objectdb.conf Default configuration is included in objectdb.jar as

LAZY @ManyToOne field functions as EAGER

entity manager closes and as expected both a LAZY @ManyToOne field and an EAGER @ManyToOne field ... , when it is marked as @ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) ?   ManyToOne relationships only in enhanced classes. If you run your test as

About LIMIT and OFFSET as query tokens

Hi,   I would like to know why the query tokens OFFSET AND LIMIT are not available and if they will be in a near future. Is there any equivalent way to get, from the database, the object at given position i as well as a given number of objects that follow

starting objectdb as a service in linux

Hi, how to start objectdb as a service from linux command line. Every time i close the terminal (putty) servers stops. Running it with the & parameter dont help. it should start as a separate process.   support Support

Insert time increases as db grows.

on classes, but still getting the same results: insertion time grows as db grows. 4410 Arsenii I've just set enhancer as javaagent and everything worked like a charm: the execution time

ObjectDB as JDBC resource or custom realm

. Also I think it would be great if a realm like that came bundled with ObjectDB, possibly as an OSGi module. EDIT Is it possible to use ObjectDB as a JDBC Resource

Extended HashMap as Embeddable class

Hi, Should it be possible to create an Embeddable class that extends HashMap (or Set etc.)? I can user HashMaps  as parameter type in entities, but when I extend it and annotate it with @Embeddable annotation - I get an error.

Using of ConcurrentHashMap as attribute

holding a ConcurrentHashMap instance but it will be loaded as java.util

Eager Fetch of Map with Entities as Keys

Loading eagerly a map that uses entity objects as keys is currently unsupported, if the equals and hashCode methods of the keys ... .MST.aS( at com.objectdb.o.MST.U1( at com.objectdb.o.WRA.U1(

After using the enhancer, Lazy loaded collections are no longer loading. They are set as null

After using the enhancer, Lazy loaded collections are no longer loading. They are set as null