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How to deploy an Objectdb project with Jboss AS 7?

Hi, I cannot deploy Guestbook project to Jboss AS 7. I followed the previous threads concerning ... . Is there an instruction how to deploy objectdb project to Jboss AS 7 step by step?   I used ... ; I use Eclipse Juno and Jboss AS 7.1.1 I get this message:   04:56:01,160 INFO [org. jboss

JBOSS AS7 7.1.1 - Entity not persisted and createNamedQuery fire exception

I'm trying to have the guestbook example running in the following environment: jboss as 7.1.1 final oracle jdk 1.7.0_04 maven 3.0.4 objectdb 2.4.0_04 installed as a module of jboss No IDE is used ... . jboss . as .server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "Guestbook

InternalException & UserException using objectdb with Jboss AS 7.1.1 final

Hello. We are currently using ObjectDB in application server Jboss as ObjectDB version is 2.5.3_02. The following errors occur when multiple ajax requests are executed: Caused by: com ... com.objectdb.jpa.Provider The module is described as : However, when ObjectDB operates in integrated

JBoss 7 startup fails

.GA 13:49:14,719 INFO [org. jboss . as ] JBoss AS 7.0.1.Final "Zap" starting 13:49:21,432 WARN [org. jboss . as ] No security realm defined for native management service, all access will be unrestricted. 13:49:21,562 INFO [org. jboss . as ] creating http management service using network interface (management

NoSuchFieldError: __odbTracker on NetBeans 7.3 + JBoss 7.1.1

.Method.invoke( org. jboss . as .ee.component.ManagedReferenceMethodInterceptorFactory ... .InterceptorContext$Invocation.proceed( org. jboss . as .weld.ejb.Jsr299BindingsInterceptor.doMethodInterception( org. jboss . as .weld.ejb

How to Use a SF with extended Persistence Context?

one using the persist method of the GuestDao. I use Jboss AS 7 and when I run the project I ...   [org. jboss .msc] JBoss MSC version 1.0.2.GA 13:52:01,347 INFO  [org. jboss . as ] JBAS015899: JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final "Brontes" starting 13:52:01,959 INFO  [org.xnio] XNIO Version 3.0.3.GA 13

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

out feasibility, but I keep getting stuck on setting up the persistence.xml on JBoss 6 AS . Here is my setup ... There were a few issues in using ObjectDB with JBoss AS 6.0. The good news is that a new build of ObjectDB that was just released (2.2.0_03) fixes the main problems and seems to work well with JBoss AS 6.0

GlassFish 7.1.1

. webel Dr Darren Kelly As discussed in a previous forum thread - JBoss 7.1.1 is expected to be supported ... AS 7.1.1 and ObjectDB is my preferred database solution. I would like to know if support for JBoss ... for me since it lacks Java EE 6 full profile support.     n0mad Zakaria Yussuf Hopefully JBoss AS 7

JBoss 7.1 and EAP 6 support

you for your assistance. solid10 Michael Cavanaugh The plan is to support JBoss 7.1.1, of course, but as ... Support ObjectDB 2.4.3 can be used with JBoss AS 7.1.1. As discussed in this forum thread - you will have to: Add ObjectDB as a module to JBoss (instead of putting objectdb.jar in the web application

Problem to use find method on an abstract Class: AbstractMethodError is thrown

Hi, I'm using JBoss AS 7 WildFly with ObjectDB installed as a module ( also Java 7, Eclipse Juno ... . jboss .msc] JBoss MSC version 1.0.2.GA 08:17:21,588 INFO [org. jboss . as ] JBAS015899: JBoss AS 7.1.1 ... . jboss . as .server] JBAS015888: Creating http management service using socket-binding (management-http) 08

Issue deploying EJB project to Jboss/Glassfish

; Using ObjectDB with JBoss requires: Adding ObjectDB as a module to JBoss (instead of putting objectdb ... I have been trying to deploy an EJB project created in Eclipse/Juno to both JBOSS and Glassfish ... .objectdb.jpa.Provider   I get a similar error on JBOSS .  I am guessing that there is some

Entity is not related to ObjectDB, but i get exception from ObjectDB

instantiate entity: granat.dp.domain.entity.psql.DialogNew at org. jboss . as .ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.handleInCallerTx( [ jboss - as -ejb3-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final] at org. jboss . as .ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.invokeInCallerTx( [ jboss - as -ejb3-7.1.1.Final.jar

Error reading UTF string

.objectdb.o.InternalException: Error reading UTF string at org. jboss . as .ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.handleInCallerTx( [ jboss - as -ejb3-7.1.1.Final.jar:7.1.1.Final] at org. jboss . as .ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.invokeInCallerTx( [ jboss - as -ejb3-7.1.1.Final.jar:7

ObjectDB Object Database Features

ObjectDB provides a rich set of features. Many features are implemented as part of ObjectDB's ... fast - much faster than any other JPA solution. General Highly optimized code ( as a result of many profiling sessions). Unique data structures and algorithms ( as a result of years of R&D). Outperforms

ObjectDB Overview

-Server mode and Embedded mode. Single JAR with no external dependencies. Database is stored as ... , GlassFish, JBoss and Spring. See the  ObjectDB Object Database Features  for more details. - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.Expression Expression as (   Class  type ) Perform a typecast upon the expression, returning a new expression object. This method does not cause type conversion: the runtime type is not changed. Warning: may result in a runtime failure

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

country names as String instances, rather than Country objects: SELECT FROM Country AS c Using path expressions , such as , in query results is referred to as projection. The field values ... of the above query are received as a list of String values: TypedQuery query = em. createQuery ( "SELECT

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

over all the Country objects in the database: SELECT c FROM Country AS c The AS keyword is optional, and the same query can also be written as follows: SELECT c FROM Country c By default, the name ... of countries that do not share a border, returning as results only neighboring countries. Caution

JPA Tutorials

, so you should be able to run it on any servlet container (e.g. Apache Tomcat, Jetty, etc.), as well as on full application servers (such as Oracle GlassFish, Red Hat JBoss , IBM WebSphere and Oracle ... , such as GlassFish 3.0.1 or JBoss AS 6. Another tutorial shows how to use JPA in a Spring MVC Framework

JPA Persistable Types

can be stored in the database directly. Other persistable types can be embedded in entity classes as fields ... way to declare a class as an entity is to mark it with the Entity annotation: import javax ... user defined class (but not system classes, such as ArrayList) and implement any interface

Privacy Policy

our Service or parts of our Service. Company  (referred to as either "the Company ... that can access the Service such as a computer, a cellphone or a digital tablet. Personal Data ... , as applicable. Collecting and Using Your Personal Data Types of Data Collected Personal Data

Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries

String values may appear in JPQL queries in various forms: as   string literals - e.g. 'abc' , ''. as parameters - when string values are assigned as arguments. as   path expressions - in navigation to persistent string fields. as results of predefined JPQL string manipulation functions

Apache License, Version 2.0, January 2004

the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 ... mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, made available under the License, as ... , elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship

Numbers in JPQL and Criteria Queries

Numeric values may appear in JPQL queries in many forms: as   numeric literals - e.g. 123 , -12.5 . as parameters - when numeric values are assigned as arguments. as   path expressions - in navigation to persistent numeric fields. as aggregate expressions - e.g. COUNT. as collection

Retrieving JPA Entity Objects

of the database. The persistence context serves as a cache of retrieved entity objects. If a requested ... is then added to the persistence context as a managed entity object and returned to the application ... of entity classes and to keep them as simple as possible. Retrieval by Class and Primary Key Every entity

Database Explorer

it from the command line as follows: java -jar explorer.jar If explorer.jar is not in the current ... running JPQL and JDOQL queries, as discussed below. Closing a Database Connection Use the File Close ... models, is preferred. A Tree window displays objects as a tree. Every database object is represented

Query Parameters in JPA

is equal to :name , which is a parameter that serves as a placeholder for a real value. Before the query ... identifier that serves as the parameter name. JPA does not provide an API for defining the parameters ... that is built by using the JPA Criteria API - parameters ( as other query elements) are represented by objects

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

application servers such as GlassFish and JBoss , and not by servlet containers, such as Tomcat ... Bean and clicking Next . Enter GuestDao as the EJB class name - use exactly that case sensitive class ... of the EJB class and injects an instance of the EJB class into the servlet ( as shown in the 

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

are only supported by Java EE application servers such as GlassFish and JBoss , and not by servlet containers, such as Tomcat and Jetty. By using EJB classes we can move some work from the application to the EJB ... . Enter GuestDao as the class name - use exactly that case sensitive class name. Click Finish

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses

) are sent to grouping by the GROUP BY clauses before arriving at the SELECT clause. GROUP BY as DISTINCT ... which returns the first letters as result. ObjectDB is very flexible in allowing JPQL expressions anywhere in ... implementations. Grouping the Country objects makes them inaccessible to the SELECT clause as

Java EE Web Tutorial

(session beans) it requires a full Java EE 6 application server, such as GlassFish 3.0.1 or JBoss AS 6. If you need a web application that can run on a simple servlet container (such as Tomcat or Jetty ... database. This tutorial is available in the following versions: In addition the demonstrated application is available as a Maven project:

JPA Entity Fields

are always considered to be transient. Other fields can be declared explicitly as transient using ... . Only the persistent state of the entity object, as reflected by its persistent fields (including ... a generic java.lang.Object , as long as the type of the actual value at runtime is persistable (or null

Eclipse Public License - v 1.0

brought by any other entity based on infringement of intellectual property rights or otherwise. As ... , such as lost profits; iii) states that any provisions which differ from this Agreement are offered ... copyright notices contained within the Program. Each Contributor must identify itself as the originator

JPA Class Enhancer

( as explained in  chapter 3 ). This is done by adding special code to enhanced classes ... classes as a replacement for using reflection. These optimized methods are much faster than using ... the objectdb.jar file. You can run it from the command line as follows: java -cp objectdb.jar com

Database Connection using JPA

instance obtained from the EntityManager . An EntityManager instance also functions as a factory ... of the createEntityManagerFactory method takes a map of persistence unit properties as a second parameter: Map properties ... the EntityManagerFactory closes the database file. Connection URL The createEntityManagerFactory method takes as

JPA Criteria API Queries

JPQL JPQL queries are defined as strings, similarly to SQL. JPA criteria queries, on the other hand ... queries (e.g. as named queries ) may be preferred. For dynamic queries that are built at runtime -  ... : SELECT c FROM Country c An equivalent query can be built using the JPA criteria API as follows

SSL Configuration

"false" ) specifies if SSL is used. As shown above, SSL is disabled by default. It could be enabled when accessing remote ObjectDB databases over an insecure network such as the Internet. SSL Keystore ... that functions as a unique signature of your server. This file contains general details (such as a company name

Java EE JPA Tutorial - Maven Project

The  Java EE Web Application tutorial provides step by step instructions on how to build a simple Java/JPA database driven web application (for GlassFish 3/ JBoss 6) in  Eclipse or  ... ;if you prefer, you may download and run the result application as a Maven project: Java EE JPA Web

Date and Time in JPQL and Criteria Queries

Date and time expressions may appear in JPQL queries: as date and time literals - e.g. {d '2011-12-31'} , {t '23:59:59'} . as parameters - when date and time values are assigned as arguments. as   path expressions - in navigation to persistent date and time fields. as results of predefined

Collections in JPQL and Criteria Queries

Collections may appear in JPQL queries: as parameters - when collections are assigned as arguments. as   path expressions - in navigation to persistent collection fields. IS [NOT] EMPTY ... , and the IN operator, which should be used for checking other collections, such as a collection

Logical Operators in JPQL and Criteria API

of logical operators, as shown in the following table: Set 1 - JPQL / SQL Set 2 - Java / JDO AND && OR ... the Java/JDO && operator as a synonym of AND as part of its JDO support. Binary OR (||) Operator ... the Java/JDO || operator as a synonym for OR as part of its JDO support. Unary NOT (!) Operator

Defining a JPA Entity Class

that is marked (annotated) as having the ability to represent objects in the database. Conceptually this is similar to serializable classes, which are marked as having the ability to be serialized. The Point Entity Class The following Point class, which represents points in the plane, is marked as an entity

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

Explicitly When a new object is constructed by the new operator, it always starts as a transient object, regardless of its type. Instances of persistent classes can become persistent later, as ... (person); pm.currentTransaction().commit(); First, the Person instance is constructed as a simple

[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server

as a Java program You can run the server as a Java program from the command line, as so: java -cp ... arguments displays a usage message, as shown below: Usage: java com.objectdb.Server [options] start ... . It is recommended that you use this file as a template for constructing your own specific configuration file

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

the default package) and classes B , C and D (in package test ), as persistent. In addition to the required ... class if it is also persistent. In the above metadata example, class C is probably defined as a subclass ... because JDO enables declaring a persistent class as a subclass of a non persistent class. Of course, in

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

There are various ways to retrieve objects from an ObjectDB database, as shown in section 6.3 ... can include other optional components, such as parameters, variables and import and order expressions ... collection is not specified explicitly, as it is in this query, the entire Extent of the candidate

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

. The JDO specification refers to persistent classes as persistence capable classes . 3.1   ... transient classes and can have only transient objects as instances. To become persistent, a class ... implementation automatically, as explained in section 3.3 . ObjectDB's JDO Enhancer also adds a no-arg

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

. It is shipped as an executable jar that will run on any system with a Java 1.3 JRE or later installed ... can be specified as an argument to explorer.exe during startup. For instance: explorer.exe -Xmx256m ... JDOQL queries in the Explorer, as discussed below. Finally, the "Thread" window, unlike

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

The data structure of this program is an ArrayList containing String instances. ObjectDB, as a pure object database, can simply store a memory data structure in the database as is. If the database is not ... a finally block, as demonstrated in the next sample program, to ensure database closing in every situation

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

environment for using JDO. Explanations on how to use this environment to do database operations, such as ... from a pool. Both PersistenceManagerFactory and PersistenceManager are defined as JDO interfaces, not as classes. Every JDO implementation, including ObjectDB, defines classes that implement