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coonection pooling

Hi, is it possible to implement a mechanism in object db which redirects a particular user to its database. For example we have an ObjecDB server with 100 databases. On our Jboss server we have a single deployed application with 100 users. Depending on the logged user

Multi-tenant setup

Hi, does anybody have experience with multi tenant setup of objectDB. For example using multiple schema or multiple database. How to handle connections between app (Jboss Wildfly) and pass query request to appropriate database, how to dynamically add new database or schema

Object Relations Error after Schema Change

Hi we have a problem with relations in OBjectDB 2.4.6, the problem occured after we changed relations in few clases. Specificaly we deleted relation pointing to one class and created new relation to third class. If we restart both ObjectDB and Jboss everything works fine

Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

deployments with ObjectDB as the datastore either with Glassfish/JBoss and having environment

ObjectDB 2.2.1

Added support for using ObjectDB with JBoss AS 6.0 / 6.1. Fixed several bugs in handling eager fetch. Fixed a pessimistic locking bug. Fixed a bug in using primary key fields in

ObjectDB 2.5.5

with using ObjectDB with JBoss. Fixed query execution issues with using composite indexes