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Possible issue for JPQL "LEFT [OUTER] JOIN"

Possible issue for JPQL "LEFT [OUTER] JOIN" is doing "[INNER] JOIN". JOIN a.listB b WHERE b IS NULL" where the output would be [A4, null] or even throw ... ;   - "SELECT a,b FROM A a LEFT OUTER JOIN a.listB b WHERE IS NULL"

Lazy Init / Eager / Join Fetch collection strategy ? What to choose ?

/how-to-use-jpa-correctly-to-avoid-complaints-of-a-slow-application/ In this article,join fetch ... different. Is an "All eager strategy" more efficient that many join fetch ( cartesian product ... collection to fetch of each object ! So ... "Eager fetch all strategy" Or "Fetch Join

InternalError on multiple AND and JOIN Query

Hi, Using objectdb 2.2.8_06. Running the following query: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM CDI $1 JOIN $1.contactDetails $2 JOIN $2.addresses $3 JOIN $3.attributeList $4 JOIN $2.phoneNumbers $5 JOIN $5.attributeList $6 WHERE ((($'suburb') AND ($4

How to use JOIN FETCH?

/java/jpa/query/jpql/from) gives an example of using JOIN FETCH to avoid excessive round trips to the database: SELECT c FROM Country c JOIN FETCH join fetch p.addressHistory",Person.class);   List<Person> results = q.getResultList

Multiple joins did not return expected result

like: SELECT event FROM Calendar c1, SharedCalendar c2 INNER JOIN AS event INNER JOIN AS event WHERE OR SELECT event1, event2 FROM Calendar c1, SharedCalendar c2 INNER JOIN

Join query problem with new statetment

and got nasty exception when using query with join. The query code is: join insp.products p where (p.supplier = ?1)",      ... ) from Inspiration insp join insp.products p where (p.supplier = ?1

Join performance in Objectdb

. In that case, executing the JOIN may require iteration over 160,000 x 160,000 x 160,000 ... milliseconds (160000) The first query uses a JOIN on ID fields, similarly to your original query. The second query uses JOIN on direct references. The second form is simpler, faster

LEFT (OUTER) JOIN problem when mappedBy is defined

are empty. So I've witten this query: "SELECT i FROM Invoice i LEFT OUTER JOIN i.itemList ... > When I remove mappedBy from @OneToMany annotation, LEFT JOIN works correctly. JOIN i.itemList items

Problem using "and" for joined entities and indexed fields

join p.children c where c.age = 42", Parent.class).getResultList().size());         System.out.println(em.createQuery("select from Parent p join p.children c ... ;  System.out.println(em.createQuery("select from Parent p join p.children c where c.age

Issue with full cross joins

hi, There seems to be an issue with full cross joins & maps. JOIN $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP $4,      ... Alexander Adam It seems that simple iteration on map values in JOIN