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Query becomes slower on moving from ObjectDB 1.x to ObjectDB 2.x

the different query for 7 times and total execution time is approx 3 minutes, which is highly

best practice for DB recovery

write is a condition that can't last for more than a few minutes and have to be fixed promptly

Homepage and forum nearly inaccessible

Homepage and forum nearly inaccessible from France/Germany, takes minutes to react. hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker I'm guessing that the cause of the page delays is already known, but as an additional data point I'm experiencing a 15 or so second delay here in

Unable to run NetBeans/JPA Web Application Tutorial

time: 2 minutes 13 seconds)   Hoping somebody can help! Thank You!

A few questions on object database design

about this structure, since we would be looking at persisting data from the server every minute or two per player

Index causes increased memory usage

time and spotted these after letting it collect data for about 20 minutes: com.objectdb

slow performance for a complex query

> This query in both variations takes over 3 minutes on a small database (about 10000 Organisations

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1

- sometimes it will fail almost immediately, sometimes it will run for a couple of minutes - so is most likely

ObjectDB can't be activated

> Anyway, I see an activation now from a few minutes ago. The result activation code

Blocked by find

the test seems to grid to a halt - it needs to run for about a minute to get to this state. In