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Group by date / time

class="code">DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, MINUTE(e.t), SECOND(e.t) FROM MyEntity e",         

Grouping by date()

> HOUR({t '23:59:00'}) is evaluated to 23. MINUTE({t '23:59:00'}) is evaluated to 59. SECOND ... part (hour, minute, second, millisecond) as a Date instance. Please try

Slow searching with two indexes

, it's (of course) extremely fast, but when I also query using the other key, queries can take minutes ... results. Is there any obvious way to speed up this querying?  Taking minutes is not

Empty temporary dat files in the temp folder

temporary files deletion" operation was completed more than 2 minutes ago. support Support And also many thanks for the description of the '2 minutes' clean up. With this information we are able

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

(Trying again.  Last post, ~50 minutes to compose, failed, possibly due to an attachment upload size limit being exceeded before the post attempt.  =(  ) I desire to have my persistent objects be cached until the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) does

impossible to drop a table with 50 million objects

when trying to execute in explorer (max heap size 1GByte) delete from LogEntry l it comes up with a Java heap error after 20 minutes of executing. How to empty such a table ?     hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker

JRebel integration feature

entities live, instead of waiting for full redeployment of large web applications that take many minutes

NullPointerException when using multithreading

();     threadPoolExecutor.awaitTermination(3, TimeUnit.MINUTES);     factory.close(); After 3 minutes the EntityManagerFactory

Server out of memory exceptions

got this wrong though!) The test dies after a few minutes of running. I've attached ... ; 60 threads after about 2 minutes). Each thread manages its own EntityManager, which may consume

Online Backup degrades responsiveness.

during the end of the backup process.  e.g. The Backup usually takes about 5 minutes.  When the "DB Backup Start..." starts, 2-3 minutes after I would have lots of players drop off and my server