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Entity is not related to ObjectDB, but i get exception from ObjectDB

DialogActionNew which previously was located in ObjectDB and recently has been transferred to PostreSQL ... ] ... 169 more 

As far as I can understand, it is an exception from ObjectDB, although the entity itself is not related to ObjectDB any more. <persistence-unit name="DP_PU" transaction-type

Failed to generate dynamic type

>     [ObjectDB 2.2.8_06] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Please report this error on com.objectdb.o.InternalException: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to generate dynamic type com

ObjectDB-ObjectDB Replication

ObjectDB Replication will enable managing the same ObjectDB database using multiple ObjectDB nodes or servers. This could be useful for distributed applications (e.g. in cloud computing ... ="/java/jpa/tool/replication">Master-Slave replication (clustering) is now implemented in ObjectDB 2.1. support Support

Database Management Settings

="." max="128mb" /> When enabled, a recovery file is created by ObjectDB when a database is opened and deleted by ObjectDB when the database is closed. The name of the recovery file ... failure is automatically applied by ObjectDB when a database is opened and a recovery file exists

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection

The following error is reported for objectdb-2.6.9.jar: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection (error 613) Did not happen with objectdb-2.6.3

objectdb-2.6.9_06: Extended Persistence Context fails: 'Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active'

objectdb-2.6.9_06 NetBeans8.1+Glassfish4.1.1 Mac OS X Possibly ... Set DO_FORCE_COMMIT_AFTER_BUILD = false in

Database Connection using JPA

that implement these interfaces. When you use ObjectDB you work with instances of ObjectDB classes ... ; "objectdb://localhost:6136/myDbFile.odb", properties); The persistence unit. As an extension, ObjectDB enables specifying a database URL (or

com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

> Below in the stacktrace from ObjectDB Explorer when trying to execute the Query "select c from Customer ... " [ObjectDB 2.5.4_01] Unexpected exception (Error 990)   Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0 (on Mac OS X 10.9.2). Please report this error on

General Settings and Logging

The <general> configuration element specifies ObjectDB settings ... ;general> <temp path="$temp/ObjectDB" threshold="64mb" /> <network inactivity-timeout ... ="$objectdb/log/" max="8mb" stdout="false" stderr="false" /> <log-archive path="$objectdb

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

This chapter introduces basic ObjectDB and JDO concepts, using two sample programs ... ObjectDB extensions, but it is a good sample to start with because of its simplicity.  ... JDO portable application, step by step. Both sample programs are contained in ObjectDB's samples