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In memory processing for ObjectDB

> Basically we want to hit a huge Transaction per second limit and making sure if ObjectDB can help ... what is the Transaction per second that ObjectDB can shoot for. Any guidance on these lines

Unexpected internal exception during set field of an Embeddable to null

and the second time (another attached Object) it results in the error.   AND yes in our case the second IntegerSignalValueImpl Object

performance limit

seconds. Is this normal, what when we will have few milion records, how to handle this. second range. Regards

Query execution time issue

with ObjectDB) takes about 10-12 seconds. If i remove ANY 5 left joins, query execution time drops ... a test db. Running the following query in ObjectDB Explorer takes about 60+ seconds

internal object DB locking in an embedded multi threaded application

;this seems to take a considerable lenght of time ( approx 4-10 seconds). do you have any suggestions as ... > dansmith Daniel Smith The second stack trace (thread t@16) indicates database file

Replication Issue

on the same server I run a java program - which is writing objects every second a database ... with the following error every second (every time an object is added on the master DB)

NULL prefered in ORDER BY?

this (assuming I've got three Test Entities whereas first one points to Hint{name=A}, second one to Hint

Database is locked when in use

> Is the second agruement a string <Dir Absolute path> or new File (diectory path);

Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

message.   If we try to ecexute a Query (in the second main method): second then the schema change is expected to be processed correctly.

JPQL support for mapped by (inverse) collections

.java:695) The second query is a workaround for IS NOT EMPTY: second query) is a workaround for IS EMPTY (i.e. it may replace the first query):