Internal Website Search
21-27 of 27 resultsRefreshIntermittent: "Attempt to reuse an existing primary key value" when persisting a new instance=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="user_pwd_seq") @ SequenceGenerator (name="user_pwd | |
Missing (null) elements in eager loaded references there is a problem with my data structure? Super classes: @MappedSuperclass @ SequenceGenerator (name | |
First query takes 4+ minutes to complete (related to the query that we run). @Entity(name="RecordingMetaData") @ SequenceGenerator ( name | |
Possible issue for default id generator and 36: @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE)//, generator="seq") @Id @ SequenceGenerator | |
Trouble bug on explorer") }) @ SequenceGenerator (name="seq", initialValue=10000) @Entity public class User implements Serializable { @Id | |
Lazy loading does not work - crud takes long @Table(name = "PROJECT") @ SequenceGenerator (name = "PROJECT_SEQUENCE", sequenceName = "PROJECT | |
Null enums and IS (NOT) NULL: NullPointerException( ]] #{} Entity: @Entity @ SequenceGenerator (name = "asd", allocationSize = 1) public |