GeneratedValue annotation.">

javax.persistence.SequenceGenerator - JPA annotation

Annotation SequenceGenerator

Classes and fields (including property get methods)
Defines a primary key generator that may be referenced by name when a generator element is specified for the GeneratedValue annotation. A sequence generator may be specified on the entity class or on the primary key field or property. The scope of the generator name is global to the persistence unit (across all generator types).


   @SequenceGenerator(name="EMP_SEQ", allocationSize=25)
JPA 1.0
Learn how to define and use automatic value generation in Chapter 2 of the ObjectDB/JPA manual.
(Optional) The amount to increment by when allocating sequence numbers from the sequence.
(Optional) The amount to increment by when allocating sequence numbers from the sequence.
Default value:
JPA 1.0
String catalog
(Optional) The catalog of the sequence generator.
(Optional) The catalog of the sequence generator.
Default value:
JPA 2.0
(Optional) The value from which the sequence object is to start generating.
(Optional) The value from which the sequence object is to start generating.
Default value:
JPA 1.0
String name
(Required) A unique generator name that can be referenced by one or more classes to be the generator for primary key values.
(Required) A unique generator name that can be referenced by one or more classes to be the generator for primary key values.
JPA 1.0
String schema
(Optional) The schema of the sequence generator.
(Optional) The schema of the sequence generator.
Default value:
JPA 2.0
String sequenceName
(Optional) The name of the database sequence object from which to obtain primary key values.
(Optional) The name of the database sequence object from which to obtain primary key values.

Defaults to a provider-chosen value.

Default value:
JPA 1.0