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151-160 of 200 resultsRefresh

refresh(entity, lockMode, properties)

if the database locking failure causes transaction-level rollback the - if there is no transaction and if invoked on a container-managed EntityManager instance with PersistenceContextType.TRANSACTION or


within a transaction, if FlushModeType.AUTO is set on the If there is no transaction active, the persistence provider must not flush to the database. COMMIT Flushing to occur at transaction


class="description"> Indicate to the entity manager that a JTA transaction is active. This method ... of the active transaction to associate it with the current JTA transaction. - if there is no transaction


">PersistenceUnitTransactionType getTransactionType() Returns the transaction ... > . The transaction type corresponds to the transaction-type attribute in the transaction type of the entity managers created by the EntityManagerFactory

Unexpected exception (Error 990) com.objectdb.o.InternalException

( at com.btc.ep.base.transactions.annotations.TransactionAspect.ajc$around$com_btc_ep_base_transactions_annotations_TransactionAspect$1$adc4043cproceed(TransactionAspect.aj:90) at com.btc.ep.base.transactions.annotations.TransactionAspect.ajc$around$com_btc_ep_base_transactions_annotations


> Mark the current resource transaction so that the only possible outcome of the transaction is for the transaction to be rolled back.

find(entityClass, primaryKey, lockMode, properties)

>PessimisticLockException will be thrown if the database locking failure causes transaction-level ... .persistence">TransactionRequiredException - if there is no transaction ... >PessimisticLockException - if pessimistic locking fails and the transaction is rolled


instance is transactional. Instances whose state is associated with the current transaction return Boolean.TRUE . Instances known by the implementation to be non-transactional ... > if the parameter instance is transactional.


this PersistenceManagerFactory have no active transactions. If any PersistenceManager instances have an active transaction ... Transaction. If there are no active transactions, then close all PersistenceManager


, during an operation that modifies the value of a persistent or transactional field. transactional field. Called ... made dirty, during an operation that modifies the value of a persistent or transactional field.