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Database Transaction Replayer

of the database at the end of a specific transaction . The ID of that transaction is used as the name of the file. A recording file, with the same transaction ID in its name, contains database operations that have been recorded after that transaction . Recorded operations can be replayed

Database Connection using JPA

the content of a database require active transactions . Transactions are managed by an EntityTransaction ... ) must be performed within an active transaction . The EntityTransaction interface represents and manages database transactions . Every EntityManager holds a single attached EntityTransaction instance

Locking in JPA

is locked separately. Optimistic locking is applied on transaction commit. Any database object ... by another transaction . When using ObjectDB, optimistic locking is enabled by default and fully ... must be revealed earlier (before transaction commit) pessimistic locking can be used. When using

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

connection. Every operation on a database requires a PersistenceManager instance. The Transaction interface represents a transaction on a database. Every operation that modifies the content of the database requires an active transaction . The focus of this chapter is on setting up a runtime

[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects

. When a transient object becomes persistent during an active transaction , its content is automatically stored in the database when the transaction is committed (unless it is being deleted before commit). An attempt to call makePersistent( ... ) when there is no active transaction throws an exception

[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour

// Create or open a database and begin a transaction : 12 PersistenceManager pm = 13 Utilities ... .hasNext()) 34 System.out.println(; 35 36 // Close the transaction and the database: 37 pm ... the content of the database, a transaction is begun (line 14), because in JDO, operations that affect


JDO Interface Transaction The JDO Transaction interface provides for initiation and completion of transactions under user control. It is a sub-interface of the PersistenceManager that deals with options and transaction demarcation. Transaction options include whether optimistic concurrency control

[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer

an active transaction for every open database file. All editing operations (including loading classes ... with the active transaction . The "File | Save" menu command (and the equivalent toolbar button) commits the transaction which applies all the changes to the database. The "File | Discard Changes" menu


JDO Method in javax.jdo. Transaction void setIsolationLevel (   String level ) Set the value for transaction isolation level for this transaction . Transaction isolation levels ... serializable Parameters: level - the transaction isolation level See Also: getIsolationLevel () Constants.TX


JDO Method in javax.jdo. Transaction void begin () Begin a transaction . The type of transaction is determined by the setting of the Optimistic flag. Throws: JDOUserException - if transactions are managed by a container in the managed environment, or if the transaction is already active. See Also: setOptimistic getOptimistic Since: JDO 1.0