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Database Transaction Replayer

of files: Backup files - with names of the form <transaction-id>.odb Recording files - with names of the form <transaction-id>.odr ... the state of the database at the end of a specific transaction. The ID of that transaction is used as


> Interface Transaction The JDO Transaction interface provides for initiation and completion of transactions under user control. It is a sub-interface of the

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

on a database requires a PersistenceManager instance. The Transaction interface represents a transaction on a database. Every operation that modifies the content of the database requires an active transaction. The focus of this chapter is on setting up a runtime environment


Transaction" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.Transactionvoid begin() Begin a transaction. The type of transaction is determined by the setting of the Optimistic flag.


Transaction" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.Transactionvoid setIsolationLevel(  String level) Set the value for transaction isolation level


Transaction" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.TransactionString getIsolationLevel() Get the value for transaction isolation level for this transaction.


Transaction" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.Transactionvoid commit() Commit the current transaction. Throws:


Transaction" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.Transactionvoid setRollbackOnly() Sets the rollback-only status of the transaction to true . After this flag


Transaction" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.Transactionvoid setSynchronization(  Synchronization sync instance to be notified on transaction completions. The beforeCompletion


Transaction" title="Interface in javax.jdo">javax.jdo.Transactionvoid rollback() Roll back the current transaction. Throws: