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Storing JPA Entity Objects

of other persistable types can only be stored in the database embedded in containing entities (as field values).type with the same primary key, an types">persistable types other than entity classes are automatically stored

Index Definition

persistable types: Primitive types: boolean, byte Any enum type. Reference to an entity object. Arrays and collections that contain values of the above types (including null). Indexes

JPA / JDO Class Enhancer

classes (types#entity_classes">entity classes, types#embeddable_classes">embeddable classes and types#mapped ... that have been enhanced: [ObjectDB 2.8.0] 3 persistable types have been enhanced


when the query result type is unknown or when a query returns polymorphic results and the lowest known common denominator of all the result objects is Object. When a more specific result type ... results in a type safe manner when using the TypedQuery interface. Building

Running JPA Queries

> returns a result list of a raw type (non generic) instead of a parameterized (generic) type:results to a parameterized type (List<Country>) will cause ... collection of a parameterized type can be iterated easily using an enhanced for loop:

JPA Criteria API Queries

>Because eventually both types of queries are represented by a types">Paths, navigation and types (get, type">type


Interface type">TypedQuery<X> Interface used to control the execution of typed queries ... ">getParameter (int position, Class<T> type)


.persistence.criteria Interface type">CriteriaQuery<T> type of the corresponding - metamodel entity representing the entity of type X


.metamodelInterface type">MapAttribute<X,K,V> Instances of the type MapAttribute represent ... ">getBindableJavaType () Return the Java type


>Interface type">JDOEntityManager type specified by the resultClass ... metadata resultClass - the type