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JPA Metamodel API

/metamodel" select="Metamodel"> Types (mainly classes) and attributes ... of interfaces and enum types: Types|Metamodel Attributes"> The JPA Metamodel API may optionally be used

Entity Management Settings

whether the Enhancer Agent should be loaded to enhance persistable types on the fly, even if it is not ... > The ref attribute specifies the reference type for holding non dirty entities in ... should be used as a fallback persisting method for instances of serializable types that are non


Interface type">Query type) Get the parameter object corresponding to the declared positional parameter with the given position and type.


.metamodelInterface type">SingularAttribute<X,T> Instances of the type SingularAttribute () Return the Java type


.criteriaInterface type">Subquery<T> as (Class<X> type) type

combined index not used

,a.objectsInCharge.nodePath, FROM Action a WHERE a.type = 0 ... ' and a.objectsInCharge.linkedObjects.type = 1) and ( = 'scheduledSlot ... only results that satisfy: (a.type=0). Step 2: Process ObjectNode (v$1) instances


.metamodelInterface type">Metamodel Return the metamodel embeddable type representing the embeddable class. type representing the embeddable class.

JPA Lifecycle Events

. The argument can have any type that matches the actual value (e.g. in the code above, Object can be replaced by a more specific type). The listener class should be stateless

Step 5: Add a JSP Page

;%@page import="guest.*"%> <jsp:useBean id="guestDao" type="guest.GuestDao" scope="request ... ="POST" action="guest.html"> Name: <input type="text" name="name" /> <input type="submit" value="Add" /> </form> <hr><ol>


> Interface type">Query Type names have their own namespace that is separate from the namespace for fields, variables ... class in the type namespace. The method declareImports introduces the names