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Using Enum type in NamedQuery: Field is not found in type

and am having issues with queries that reference enum types. On my entity object is a static enum public static enum Type {     A,B,C } that is stored in an @Enumerated member variable private Type type

Cascade type annotaion on an embeddable type

Cascade type annotaion on an embeddable type

JPA Metamodel API

to the ability that Java reflection provides for general Java types. types">persistable types (which are referred to as managed types) in the persistent object model. Three methods can be used to retrieve sets of types:

Database Schema Evolution

> A matching field is a field with the same name and either the same type or a convertible type, as ... , etc.). Convertible Types When an old matching field is found but its type is different than the type of the new field (with the same name), a conversion is required


.metamodelInterface type">EntityType<X> ManagedType<X> , Type" title="Interface in javax.persistence.metamodel">Type<X>


.metamodelInterface type">MappedSuperclassType<X> , Type" title="Interface in javax.persistence.metamodel">Type<X>


.metamodelInterface type">IdentifiableType<X> ManagedType<X> , Type" title="Interface in javax.persistence.metamodel">Type<X>

[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata

>persistence-capable-superclass attribute. identity-type and objectid-class The identity-type and objectid-class attributes, which are defined in the JDO ... ="/database/jdo/manual/chapter3#persistent_fields_and_types">section 3.2. The persistence

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

but its type cannot be compared with an int value, a JDOUserException is thrown ... >Collection instance, but its declared return type is Object (for future JDO ... > instance for this type of query can be obtained by one of the following two newQuery(

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

, protected, package or private). 3.2  Persistent Fields and Types , and have persistent types. Every persistent class is a persistent type. The following predefined system types are also persistent types: All the primitive types -