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@AttributeOverrides , and postgresql + own TYPE

class="stacktrace"> -- -- Name: address; Type: TYPE; Schema: artio; Owner: facman --   CREATE TYPE address AS ( street character varying, city ... character varying ); ALTER TYPE artio.address OWNER TO facman; AS you notice, in

DB Explorer cannot be opened after schema package renaming of entity types

The DB Explorer cannot be opened after schema package renaming of entity types because it seems that deprecated entity types which are removed from our java project break the database. In the database the entity types and deprecated entity types can be part of the identical package

Custom collection types

change the type of collection between eg Vector, ArrayList, HashSet and all works fine, moreover Db ... ? if this collection type will be used in first app release to allow data to be imported to db, can we next changed this type to standard implementation of Map collection? br

Wrong @Id type

this issue/ To repair IDs that have already changed their types you will have to 'touch' the objects ... the IDs to the correct type). support Support We are using ObjectDB 2.4.6_07 in ... > Also we have noticed that using tree view of ObjectDB explorer the type of the id column

Failed to generate dynamic type

:  Failed to generate dynamic type com.package.RootContainer (error 361 ... > [ObjectDB 2.0] 3 persistable types have been enhanced: test.MyEntity1 test.MyEntity2 test.MyEmbeddable 2 NON persistable types have been enhanced: Main test.Manager

Enhancer failure: Failed to process class file of type

="stacktrace"> [ObjectDB 2.7.1_02] Failed to process class file of type 'app.model.ClientSession' (error 422) com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to process class file of type 'app.model.ClientSession ... dynamic type jdk.internal.reflect.SerializationConstructorAccessorImpl      

Removing of an entity removes also another entity type

ToleranceDefinition SELECT rm from ResolverMapping WHERE rm.type = 'interfaces' // there are also other types like 'scopes' em.remove(toleranceDefinition); // the 'attached ... without exception SELECT rm from ResolverMapping WHERE rm.type = 'interfaces' // now

delete of a collection in explorer changes type

accidently we used the option delete on a collection of type ArrayList<ObjectNode>. On doing so the type changed to List<ObjectNode>. we are using explorer ... Is it only an issue with the type of the field as shown by the Explorer or also the removal


.metamodelInterface type">ManagedType<X> Type" title="Interface in javax.persistence.metamodel">Type<X> ... "> Instances of the type ManagedType represent entity, mapped superclass


.metamodelInterface type">EmbeddableType<X> ManagedType<X> , Type" title="Interface in javax.persistence.metamodel">Type<X>