ObjectDB ObjectDB

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SSL Configuration

" protocol) in the connection URL on the client side: EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence ... and Trustore files a client can verify during SSL handshaking that it is connected to the real server ... attack"). The server, on the other hand, might be less selective and allow connections from any

Step 3: Create an ObjectDB Data Source

connection url: Download and save the points.odb database file (from the Quick Start tutorial). Specify an ObjectDB connection url - either embedded (e.g. c:\points.odb) or client-server (e.g ... to check the connection url: Click the Finish button to complete the creation of the ObjectDB data source


: the name of the data store connection factory. Since: JDO 1.0 String getConnectionURL() Get the URL for the data store connection. Get the URL for the data store connection. Returns: the URL for the data ... . Since: JDO 1.0 void setConnectionURL(String url) Set the URL for the data store connection. Set the URL


Static Field javax.jdo.Constants String PMF_ATTRIBUTE_CONNECTION_FACTORY_NAME The name of the persistence manager factory element's "connection-factory-name" attribute. Since: JDO 2.1


Static Field javax.jdo.Constants String PMF_ATTRIBUTE_CONNECTION_FACTORY2_NAME The name of the persistence manager factory element's "connection-factory2-name" attribute. Since: JDO 2.1


Static Field javax.jdo.Constants String PMF_ATTRIBUTE_CONNECTION_DRIVER_NAME The name of the persistence manager factory element's "connection-driver-name" attribute. Since: JDO 2.1


Static Field javax.jdo.Constants String PMF_ATTRIBUTE_CONNECTION_PASSWORD The name of the persistence manager factory element's "connection-password" attribute. Since: JDO 2.1


Static Field javax.jdo.Constants String PMF_ATTRIBUTE_CONNECTION_USER_NAME The name of the persistence manager factory element's "connection-user-name" attribute. Since: JDO 2.1


Static Field javax.jdo.Constants String OPTION_GET_DATASTORE_CONNECTION "javax.jdo.option.GetDataStoreConnection" Since: JDO 2.1 See Also: PersistenceManagerFactory.supportedOptions()


Static Field javax.jdo.Constants String OPTION_GET_JDBC_CONNECTION "javax.jdo.option.GetJDBCConnection" Since: JDO 2.1 See Also: PersistenceManagerFactory.supportedOptions()

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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